Sunday, December 31, 2017
Tetris & Dr. Mario (SNES) SVGA Chron
Some Tetris action from Tetris & Dr. Mario (1994) for Super Nintendo. Footage was taken from VGA's group stream on 9/22/17. Accompanying VGA are co-hosts Pumpkin and Moff, joined by their guests Tom and CGH.
Really Complicated Quiz:
1) How many years are in a year?
C) What is the 27th letter of the alphabet?
A) How many sides does a circle have?
VII) Who owns the patent to the word "the"?
X) Why was Jar Jar Binks the best character from the Star Wars franchise?
98) How many toes does Mario have on his left foot?
F) Seriously, I can't keep doing this.
Thanks for watching VGA Chronicles. Happy New Year!
Monday, December 18, 2017
Stunt Race FX (SNES) SVGA Chron
Stunt Race FX (1994) for Super Nintendo. Footage was taken from VGA's group stream on 9/22/17. Accompanying VGA are co-hosts Pumpkin and Moff, joined by their guests Tom and CGH.
Stunted Quiz:
A) How impressed are you with polygons from 1994?
B) What's the square root of a tree planted by Banjo and Kazooie in the Amazon rain forest?
1) The game was running kinda slow. What's up with that? Wasn't my fault, seriously.
7) Why did Rare turn down the production of Super Mario 46 in 1924? What could they have possibly been thinking?
Q) Where's all the stunts? Where's the FX? WTF.
Thanks for watching VGA Chronicles.
Thursday, November 23, 2017
Tetris Attack (SNES) SVGA Chron
Tetris Attack (1996) for Super Nintendo. Footage was taken from VGA's group stream on 9/22/17. Accompanying VGA are co-hosts Pumpkin and Moff, joined by their guests Tom and CGH.
Blocky Quiz:
1) What does this game have to do with Tetris? I haven't seen a single tetromino.
Bee) Why is Nintendo always pushing the puzzle genre games onto Yoshi?
Trees) How many Tetrominos does it take to screw in a light bulb?
4) What's the square root of a Mario divided by 17.3? Show your work.
E) Divide Bowser by pi. Add 72. Carry the 1 over to Mario, who delivers a package to Megaman. Megaman opens the package and it contains a letter, which states "You suck and are overrated."
Thanks for watching VGA Chronicles and Happy Thanksgiving! :)
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
Shooting Games (SNES) SVGA Chron
The Terminator (1993) and Super Turrican (1993), both for Super Nintendo. And yeah, I suck. Footage was taken from VGA's group stream on 9/22/17. Accompanying VGA are co-hosts Pumpkin and Moff, joined by their guests Tom and CGH.
Just another survey you won't read:
1) What's the appeal of shooter games?
2) As you can see in the video above, VGA is terrible at these games (only these types of course). Why is that? How can he improve?
3) If you've made it this far into the survey, congratulations. You've made a critical mistake. How many Pikachus does it take to screw a Megaman into Luigi's eye socket while Mario is on fire, juggling 7 Bowsers who each are juggling 18 Kamikaze Koopas who are each juggling 72 knives which is each laced with instant-gayification serum?
Thanks for watching VGA Chronicles!
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
Super Mario World (SNES) SVGA Chron
Super Mario World (1991) for Super Nintendo. Footage was taken from VGA's group stream on 9/22/17. Accompanying VGA are co-hosts Pumpkin and Moff, joined by their guests Tom and CGH.
Mario-oriented Survey:
M) What is your favorite Mario game?
A) Do you like finding the secret exits in Ghost Houses? Name your favorite Ghost House level.
R) Which character had a more graceful rise to fame in the Mario universe: Yoshi or Wario?
I) What is your favorite area in Super Mario World?
O) How many Marios does it take for VGA to avoid the "How many X does it take to screw in a light bulb" joke?
Thanks for watching VGA Chronicles!
Thursday, November 16, 2017
Wario Land II (GBC) SVGA Chron
Wario Land II (1999) for Game Boy Color. Footage was taken from VGA's solo stream on 9/8/17.
Greedy Quiz:
1) Name your favorite Wario game.
X) Do you like to get all of the coins in Mario-style platformers?
7) List the top 3 greediest moments in your life.
Q) if 2 + 3 = 5, Sonic x purple = ___ ?
B) A limp noodle VS a saturated pancake; Who would win?
2) How many questions can VGA come up with for these pointless quizzes until he completely runs out of ideas forever?
9c) Is Wario TRULY better than Mario?!
Thanks for watching VGA Chronicles!
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Baby T-Rex (GB) SVGA Chron
Baby T-Rex (1993) for Game Boy. Footage was taken from VGA's solo stream on 9/8/17.
Prehistoric SAT:
A) How many rocks are equivalent to 1 USD?
2) If velociraptor has 4 eggs, and stegosaurus has 8, how many triceratops can a t-rex eat at noon on a Sunday?
F) Name 3 dinosaurs that weren't fans of Dragon Ball Z.
&) Find the circular root of a raptor nest and divide it by 7 tyrannosaurus tongues.
0) How many dinosaur eggs does it take to screw a dinosaur into a prehistoric sunlight socket in a cave?
Thanks for watching VGA Chronicles!
Friday, November 10, 2017
The Legend of Super VGA Chronicles Guy Song (Live Version)
Once upon a time
There was a lonely video gamer guy
A man we called
VGA (Chronicles Guy)
He was alone
In the land of bits and MS-DOS
An 8-bit man
Who wanted more
But then he found his one chance to break free
And see the things that he desired to see
He wasn't going down this way
He had to find a way
To the light
He wasn't going down a fool
He was more than a tool
The VGA Chron Guy
The VGA Chron Guy
On the rise
Welcome to the land
of Super VGA
Now you're free
Now life has meaning
We can walk through pixels
Like never before
Super VGA
Is here
What's that?
Can you hear it?
It's the sound
Of power
VGA Chron man
Has ascended
His power has doubled
It's time for the legend
Of Super VGA
Super VGA
Super VGA
Super VGA
Super VGA
Super VGA Chron Guy
He's a super hero of MS DOS
Super VGA Chron Guy
He plays NES like a pro
He's the best
And he wins
Nobody can match his wit
He's the best of all time
He wins every time
He wins every time
He wins every time
He wins every time
He wins every time
He wins every time
He wins every time
He wins every time
It's the legend of
It's the legend of
It's the legend of
Stream video link
Wednesday, November 8, 2017
Top Gear Pocket (GBC) SVGA Chron
Top Gear Pocket (1999) for Game Boy Color. Footage was taken from VGA's solo stream on 9/8/17.
Fast Quiz:
1) Do you play Topu Gearu?
2) How fast can you drive a car?
3) Name 3 famous cheetahs.
4) Are you faster than Sonic?
Thanks for watching VGA Chronicles!
Friday, November 3, 2017
VGA Chronicles 10 Year Anniversary Stream Song (Live Version)
VGA Chronicles
10 Year Anniversary Stream
We're celebrating Tetris
MS-DOS and things
VGA Chronicles
10 Year Anniversary Stream
Games are great, and great is games
These are wonderful things
Let's hearken back to the good ole days
When video games were games
When all you had was A and B
Or Windows 95
It's sad to think the times have changed
People moving on
They'll never know the greatness of
2D 8-bit fun
VGA Chronicles
10 Year Anniversary Stream
We're celebrating Sonic
Dr. Mario
VGA Chronicles
10 Year Anniversary Stream
Games are great, and great is games
These are wonderful things
The world of games is crashing down
But we can flip around that frown
Just play some golden oldies
For a change
C.O.D. is just a joke
Modern gaming makes me choke
It's time to play some vidja games
It's time to play some vidja games
It's time for VGA
Stream video link
Sunday, October 29, 2017
Super Mario Bros. Deluxe (GBC) SVGA Chron
Super Mario Bros. Deluxe (1999) for Game Boy Color. Footage was taken from VGA's solo stream on 9/8/17.
Mario Quiz:
1) How does Mario stay clean after travelling through the sewers?
2) When will Princess Toadstool admit she's banging Bowser?
3) When will she admit her surname is disgusting?
4) When will Luigi admit he's banging Toad on the side?
5) When will Wario admit he's banging Toad on the side?
6) When will Link admit he's banging Toad on the side?
7) How many NES's does it take to screw in a light bulb?
8) If Wario is dead, and Mario is juggling 18 Goombas, how many Tetris blocks fall from the sky into the Atlantic Ocean at 3:33 AM?
Saturday, October 28, 2017
Tetris DX (GBC) SVGA Chron
Tetris DX (1998) for Game Boy Color. Footage was taken from VGA's solo stream on 9/8/17.
Blocky Survey:
T) What's your highest score in Tetris?
S) What's your favorite puzzle game (on any platform)?
Z) What do you think of NASA's plan to colonize Mars with dogs by 2020?
J) How many ducks can you fit in the shell of a N64? The shell of a Game Boy? A condom?
L) List some possibilities or explain some scenarios that would happen if Tetris was a real life weather phenomenon.
O) If the market could be tapped, in theory how many billions could be made off of Tetris XXX?
I) Which tetromino do you wish would show up more often in the game?
Friday, October 27, 2017
The Legend of Super VGA Chronicles Guy (9-8-17)
A new series has begun: Shortly after the first ever live stream, and followed by the 10 year anniversary stream, VGA Chron guy has inherited super powers! Now, live streams are officially ran by SVGA Chron Guy, as VGA Chron has officially gone public with his new found powers. Here's the live stream from 9-8-17.
The following Game Boy games were played successfully: Baby T-rex, Super Mario Bros. DX, Hamster Club - Awasete Chuu, Top Gear Pocket, Wario Land II, and Tetris DX. Enjoy!
SVGA quiz:
A) Name 1 super hero from the Marvel/DC/Anime universes that can defeat Super VGA Chron Guy. Hint: There is not a single one. All are weak and powerless compared to SVGA.
B) In SVGA Chron Guy Adventures, Issue #314, when SVGA defeats Sanic the Heej Hoog, how many 1-Up shrooms does Mario sell to SVGA on page 15?
C) SVGA has many super powers. One of them is the ability to manipulate tetrominos in a super precise and effective way. Another is the ability to always win at video games, especially ones that are 8-bit or 16-bit. Can you name 9 more powers that Super VGA Chron Guy has?
D) Who is SVGA's arch nemesis?
E) What do YOU think? How was the first episode of Super VGA Chronicles? :)
Thursday, October 26, 2017
Hamster Club - Awasete Chuu (GBC) SVGA Chron
Hamster Club - Awasete Chuu (2000) for Game Boy Color. Footage was taken from VGA's solo stream on 9/8/17.
Confusing Quiz:
1) How many hamsters does it take to screw in a hamster into a light bulb socket?
1) How many hamsters does it take to power a city?
1) How many hamsters can fit inside of a pickle jar?
1) How many hamsters?
1) How many hamsters does it take to impress a date?
1) How many hamsters can fit into an area the size of a human? Asking for a friend. Extra credit for this one.
1) How many hamsters exist, ever?
1) Define "hamster".
Thanks for watching VGA Chronicles!
Friday, October 20, 2017
VGA Chronicles 10 Year Anniversary Live Stream (9-1-17)
VGA Chronicles celebrates 10 Years of being on the air! Hip hip HOORAY! Games featured: Dr. Mario, Dr. Mario Crystal Clear, Puyo Puyo, and Poké Tetris.
VGA on Twitch:
Question Time!:
0) What's a puyo?
0b) Name 5 characters from Tetris that also made cameo appearances in the Madden game franchise.
0c) Which level of GTA 7 can Dr. Mario be found in?
2) If you have 2 Donkey Kongs locked in a room with you, how many doctors will you see in a span of 3 years?
0e) Divide 7 by 2. Multiply by 3. Divide that number by 72 and carry one digit over to the other side. How many apples does Mario have if it's Sunday and Sanic the Hej Hawg is going too fast?
z) Is Dr. Mario a qualified doctor?
Friday, October 13, 2017
VGA Chronscape Guy
VGA Chronicles Guy plays OSRS (Old School RuneScape) with friends. After creating an intense character, VGA travels to Varrock to embark on an epic quest. Watch as VGA and company destroy the life of another player, via PvP, without any mercy whatsoever. Long live RuneScape ethics!
Description quiz:
A) Who is your favorite RuneScape NPC and why?
B) How many RuneScape polygons does it take to screw in a square light bulb?
C) How many bad jokes cann you count on VGA Chronicles?
D) If Mario impregnates Sonic, and Princess Peach is juggling 7 apples while balancing on a Game Boy, how many times can Donkey Kong count all his bananas before Mega Man gets home from his date with Spider-Man? Hint: Factor in Spider-Man's webbings with Yoshi's egg yolks. Show your work.
D-2) What kind of Mario are you and how do you do the things you do?
8) Name at least 1 character from the Super Mario franchise without looking at any in-game manuals or in-game graphics.
Wednesday, October 11, 2017
Dr. Mario (NES) SVGA Chron
Dr. Mario (1990) for NES. Footage was taken from VGA's solo stream on 9/1/17.
Medical Survey:
A) Where does Dr. Mario get all of his pills?
B) Name at least 3 episodes of ER in which Dr. Mario made a cameo appearance.
C) Why did Dr. Donkey Kong for the ZX Spectrum flop in 1992?
D) Explain the chemical composition of the Blue/Yellow pill's contents.
E) What real world viruses are the game's viruses based off of?
F) How many fingers am I holding up?
G) Correct. 1. But which one?
H) List off the 5 items of a healthy, nutritious breakfast.
I) Vaccinations for Tetris Syndrome cause psychosis (True or False).
Thanks for watching VGA Chronicles!
Friday, October 6, 2017
VGA Live Stream (8-28-17) - Tetris NES (Nintendo & Tengen)
To celebrate one year of activity, VGA Chron Guy did a live stream! What game? Tetris, of course. Watch as VGA tries to top his score in both Nintendo and Tengen Tetris, both for the NES!
VGA on Twitch:
Public Survey:
1) When you were a kid, which Tetromino did you dream of being when you grew up?
3) How many eggs can you fit in a single blender?
5) List 3 puzzle games that you think would have a better chance in Hollywood than Tetris would. Hint: There are no other choices; Tetris is the only one.
6) What's a Tengen? How do you make it go away?
8) How many Atari 2600's does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Monday, October 2, 2017
Poké Tetris (NES) SVGA Chron
Poké Tetris (aka Pikachu) is a bootleg Tengen Tetris clone for NES. Footage was taken from VGA's solo stream on 9/1/17.
Tetris Quiz 4000:
1) How many Pikachus does it take to screw a tetromino into a lightbulb socket? Divide your answer by 2, sit down, take a deep breath, and play Minecraft for 6 hours. Now multiply your answer by 7, buy 10 Luigis on the black market, and drive Sonic to a Sonic. Show your work.
bee) Name at least 93 characters from Tetris that made cameo appearances in Donkey Kong, Sonic 4, and Puyo Pop. Note: Only MSX, Game Boy, and Wonderswan ports are allowed.
3a) In which countries is Tetris illegal and why was Tetris never released for the SNES in 2006?
6) It is rumored that Tetris almost appeared in the prototype of Super Smash Bros., but the Tetris Company pulled this character before development proceeded. Name 218 reasons why this was the case. Divide your answer by 0.
Thanks for watching VGA Chronicles!
Friday, September 29, 2017
animal quest ms3dosd - first class version
welkom to chron2k. question time:
!) what is aminal?
@) how much aminal take to make aminal 2x?
#) why aminal only? why not hooman?
thank for watching this insanity.
share video for free handout price: Box of Air.
liek and subskribe to win air.
enjoy more future VGA Chron Show.
Thursday, September 28, 2017
Dr. Mario Crystal Clear (NES) SVGA Chron
Dr. Mario Crystal Clear (1999) is a hack of the original Dr. Mario for NES, created by Tempes. Footage was taken from VGA's solo stream on 9/1/17.
Thanks for watching VGA Chronicles!
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Puyo Puyo (Famicom) SVGA Chron
Puyo Puyo (1991) for Famicom. Footage was taken from VGA's solo stream on 9/1/17.
Thanks for watching VGA Chronicles!
Friday, September 22, 2017
What is the Super VGA Chronicles Show?
Welcome to VGA Chronicles. I'm your host, VGA Chronicles Guy. And today, I'm going to tell you about the Super VGA Chronicles Show, aka, the VGA Chronicles Live Stream Show.
Once upon a time, there was a man. He was a confused, timid being, unfazed by his erroneous ways in playing video games. He laughed at the world, and himself, time and time again.
Then, one day, he gained super powers! Yes, no longer was VGA Chron Guy just a normal man playing games. But now, he was a super hero of MS-DOS! A master of NES! And, a noble knight of the classic Game Boy system!
List of Super VGA Chron Guy's powers:
Super VGA streams on twitch every Friday night at 10 PM (Eastern Standard Time), and is currently searching for a daytime stream time slot that works for him and his fan base. Sometimes, SVGA streams alone. Other times, SVGA streams with trusted friends as well as callers (people who are fans of VGA who can call in to the stream, live, and ask SVGA questions or just talk about things).
Interested in the streams? Of course you are. Interested in calling in? Don't worry. I've come prepared:
VGA Chron Twitch:
VGA Chron Discord:
Once upon a time, there was a man. He was a confused, timid being, unfazed by his erroneous ways in playing video games. He laughed at the world, and himself, time and time again.
Then, one day, he gained super powers! Yes, no longer was VGA Chron Guy just a normal man playing games. But now, he was a super hero of MS-DOS! A master of NES! And, a noble knight of the classic Game Boy system!
List of Super VGA Chron Guy's powers:
- Playing games better
- Giving life meaning
- Protecting the name and fame of MS-DOS
- Being awesome
- Having an amazing sense of humor
- Having lightning fast wit
- Generating pixels out of thin air
Super VGA streams on twitch every Friday night at 10 PM (Eastern Standard Time), and is currently searching for a daytime stream time slot that works for him and his fan base. Sometimes, SVGA streams alone. Other times, SVGA streams with trusted friends as well as callers (people who are fans of VGA who can call in to the stream, live, and ask SVGA questions or just talk about things).
Interested in the streams? Of course you are. Interested in calling in? Don't worry. I've come prepared:
VGA Chron Twitch:
VGA Chron Discord:
The VGA Chronicles Discord Server is a server dedicated to VGA Chronicles, but also serves many other useful purposes, including:
- Meeting new gaming buddies
- Talking about games, anime, and general stuff
- Posting funny memes or useful links to stuff you like
- Talking to SVGA Chron Guy during his streams
- Voice chatting in the public chats with your gaming friends (for live matches or netplay)
- ... and more to come!
Last but not least, as of the date of this post, I am streaming tonight! Come join me for some Super Nintendo fun at 10 PM! And thanks for watching VGA Chr-- er, I mean, Super VGA Chronicles!
Wednesday, September 13, 2017
The Future of VGA Chronicles
There's a lot of games in this vast world. Since the prehistoric era, people have been making and selling video games. I find this situation to be both fascinating and reassuring. As a video game reviewer, I have so many games to choose from that I'll never worry about getting bored (at least not for a long, long time). I'll still always randomly play and review games I've never heard of, but sometimes I have goals. There are games I've heard of or played before that I feel deserve videos sooner than later. So, here's a little something I've put together to keep track of that.
The Winged Warrior series (MS-DOS/Windows) - A classic RPG series by Dataware. Something about this game really interested me when I was a kid. I'd like to do a solid run of all 3 shareware versions of the game. If you end up liking this series, I recommend buying the games.
Charlie the Duck (MS-DOS) - Basically Mario but as a duck. Concepts like this really interest me.
Mario 7-in-1 (NES) - Contains many bootleg Mario-esque games. One of them, known as 7 Grand Dad, is a popular meme on the world wide Internet. I want to play this game and experience it for myself. It will certainly be interesting.
Neopets (Browser) - Something I've played extensively years ago. I feel that this game needs both a tutorial video and a general play video. Believe it or not, this game used to be popular. Also, back in my day, we had Neopets that no longer exist today or were limited of time. I recall one of my Neopets transforming into a new pet entirely due to change in design.
Habbo Hotel (Browser) - I have no idea how I discovered this "game" years ago in my youth, but back then it was an enigma. It seems that today, it still is. I have no idea what to make of Habbo Hotel or how to describe it. It just needs a video. By the way, sorry to all the people I lost touch with through Habbo. There's literally no way for you to know who I am or for me to know who you are, but at least I feel better apologizing for it now, even if you don't care.
Prairie Dog Hunt (Windows) - A fun little time waster from my MS-DOS / Windows gaming days. This one is for Windows, though I haven't touched it in a while and I'm having doubts it will run on Windows 10 without an emulator. You shoot prairie dogs, basically. Cruel, but funny. PETA would be proud.
Visual Star Trek (MS-DOS) - Don't hate me, but I've never seen Star Trek. I'm just not a big sci-fi guy. The genre is often too over my head or hard for me to relate to. However, I have played this game. And I always found this game to be deep and interesting. So, I'd like to do a video on it.
Kart Fighter (NES) - A well-known bootleg game for the NES. And to be honest, I'd like to own this on cartridge someday. I'm not sure what fighting game it's based on, but all the characters have been replaced with Nintendo characters. The mechanics are quite simple and the game is truly very dry. But there's some charm to it. Owning it would be like owning a piece of history. And playing it forces you to appreciate how simple it is and use your imagination to enhance it. Yeah, it's one of those games.
Monopoly (Multiple Consoles) - Haven't decided which version I want to play, but I feel that this game would make a great video considering I hate Monopoly.
Namco Museum (PS1) - Recommended by a close gamer friend of mine. I've tested the game somewhat, though I haven't granted it a true playthrough yet. One issue I have with the game already is I cannot find a soft reset. So, whenever I want to switch arcade games, I have to hard reset. If there's an easier way, or some menu I can access to get back to the museum, please someone tell me.
Zyuranger (Famicom) - This is something I'm really looking forward to. I'm guessing this is a tough game, but I'm a sucker for Japanese-based media. Zyuranger is the Super Sentai series that Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers was based off of. With that knowledge in hand, it makes for a fun nostalgic trip back to the 90's for me to play this game.
Symphony of the Night (PS1) - This is one of the few later retro games that I want to try simply for the graphics. I've seen some footage of this game before and the look of it is mesmerizing. Although, I have a strong feeling I will not play very well on this game.
Super Mario Bros. 1 Totally not hacked or cheated in any form, a legit run (NES) - I'd like to prove myself in SMB1. Basically, I will be beating the entire game in one run. The game will not be hacked or cheated in any form. I'll be defeating each world single-handedly with no cheats. Absolutely no dabbling in cheat codes will occur. The game will be completely legit. I can do this. I will do this. You'll see.
This concludes my future uploads list at the moment. This doesn't mean that this is all there is left of VGA Chron. This is only a log of what I intend to do in the near future. And this list isn't over; A part 2 is coming soon. Stay tuned! Until then, please enjoy VGA Chronicles, as well as Super VGA Chronicles Live Streams!
The Winged Warrior series (MS-DOS/Windows) - A classic RPG series by Dataware. Something about this game really interested me when I was a kid. I'd like to do a solid run of all 3 shareware versions of the game. If you end up liking this series, I recommend buying the games.
Charlie the Duck (MS-DOS) - Basically Mario but as a duck. Concepts like this really interest me.
Mario 7-in-1 (NES) - Contains many bootleg Mario-esque games. One of them, known as 7 Grand Dad, is a popular meme on the world wide Internet. I want to play this game and experience it for myself. It will certainly be interesting.
![]() |
His head looks like a deflated football. |
Neopets (Browser) - Something I've played extensively years ago. I feel that this game needs both a tutorial video and a general play video. Believe it or not, this game used to be popular. Also, back in my day, we had Neopets that no longer exist today or were limited of time. I recall one of my Neopets transforming into a new pet entirely due to change in design.
Habbo Hotel (Browser) - I have no idea how I discovered this "game" years ago in my youth, but back then it was an enigma. It seems that today, it still is. I have no idea what to make of Habbo Hotel or how to describe it. It just needs a video. By the way, sorry to all the people I lost touch with through Habbo. There's literally no way for you to know who I am or for me to know who you are, but at least I feel better apologizing for it now, even if you don't care.
Prairie Dog Hunt (Windows) - A fun little time waster from my MS-DOS / Windows gaming days. This one is for Windows, though I haven't touched it in a while and I'm having doubts it will run on Windows 10 without an emulator. You shoot prairie dogs, basically. Cruel, but funny. PETA would be proud.
Visual Star Trek (MS-DOS) - Don't hate me, but I've never seen Star Trek. I'm just not a big sci-fi guy. The genre is often too over my head or hard for me to relate to. However, I have played this game. And I always found this game to be deep and interesting. So, I'd like to do a video on it.
Kart Fighter (NES) - A well-known bootleg game for the NES. And to be honest, I'd like to own this on cartridge someday. I'm not sure what fighting game it's based on, but all the characters have been replaced with Nintendo characters. The mechanics are quite simple and the game is truly very dry. But there's some charm to it. Owning it would be like owning a piece of history. And playing it forces you to appreciate how simple it is and use your imagination to enhance it. Yeah, it's one of those games.
![]() |
Kart Fighter's graphics weren't bad, honestly. |
Monopoly (Multiple Consoles) - Haven't decided which version I want to play, but I feel that this game would make a great video considering I hate Monopoly.
Namco Museum (PS1) - Recommended by a close gamer friend of mine. I've tested the game somewhat, though I haven't granted it a true playthrough yet. One issue I have with the game already is I cannot find a soft reset. So, whenever I want to switch arcade games, I have to hard reset. If there's an easier way, or some menu I can access to get back to the museum, please someone tell me.
Zyuranger (Famicom) - This is something I'm really looking forward to. I'm guessing this is a tough game, but I'm a sucker for Japanese-based media. Zyuranger is the Super Sentai series that Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers was based off of. With that knowledge in hand, it makes for a fun nostalgic trip back to the 90's for me to play this game.
Symphony of the Night (PS1) - This is one of the few later retro games that I want to try simply for the graphics. I've seen some footage of this game before and the look of it is mesmerizing. Although, I have a strong feeling I will not play very well on this game.
Super Mario Bros. 1 Totally not hacked or cheated in any form, a legit run (NES) - I'd like to prove myself in SMB1. Basically, I will be beating the entire game in one run. The game will not be hacked or cheated in any form. I'll be defeating each world single-handedly with no cheats. Absolutely no dabbling in cheat codes will occur. The game will be completely legit. I can do this. I will do this. You'll see.
* * * * *
This concludes my future uploads list at the moment. This doesn't mean that this is all there is left of VGA Chron. This is only a log of what I intend to do in the near future. And this list isn't over; A part 2 is coming soon. Stay tuned! Until then, please enjoy VGA Chronicles, as well as Super VGA Chronicles Live Streams!
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
Sunday, September 10, 2017
The Legend of Super VGA Chronicles Guy (Song Lyrics)
The Legend of Super VGA Chronicles Guy
written and performed by VGA Chronicles Guy.
Once upon a time
There was a lonely video gamer guy
A man we called
VGA (Chronicles Guy)
He was alone
In the land of bits and MS-DOS
An 8-bit man
Who wanted more
But then he found his one chance to break free
And see the things that he desired to see
He wasn't going down this way
He had to find a way
To the light
He wasn't going down a fool
He was more than a tool
The VGA Chron Guy
The VGA Chron Guy
On the rise
Welcome to the land
of Super VGA
Now you're free
Now life has meaning
We can walk through pixels
Like never before
Super VGA
Is here
What's that?
Can you hear it?
It's the sound
Of power
VGA Chron man
Has ascended
His power has doubled
It's time for the legend
Of Super VGA
Super VGA
Super VGA
Super VGA
Super VGA
Super VGA Chron Guy
He's a super hero of MS DOS
Super VGA Chron Guy
He plays NES like a pro
He's the best
And he wins
Nobody can match his wit
He's the best of all time
He wins every time
He wins every time
He wins every time
He wins every time
He wins every time
He wins every time
He wins every time
He wins every time
It's the legend of
It's the legend of
It's the legend of
written and performed by VGA Chronicles Guy.
Once upon a time
There was a lonely video gamer guy
A man we called
VGA (Chronicles Guy)
He was alone
In the land of bits and MS-DOS
An 8-bit man
Who wanted more
But then he found his one chance to break free
And see the things that he desired to see
He wasn't going down this way
He had to find a way
To the light
He wasn't going down a fool
He was more than a tool
The VGA Chron Guy
The VGA Chron Guy
On the rise
Welcome to the land
of Super VGA
Now you're free
Now life has meaning
We can walk through pixels
Like never before
Super VGA
Is here
What's that?
Can you hear it?
It's the sound
Of power
VGA Chron man
Has ascended
His power has doubled
It's time for the legend
Of Super VGA
Super VGA
Super VGA
Super VGA
Super VGA
Super VGA Chron Guy
He's a super hero of MS DOS
Super VGA Chron Guy
He plays NES like a pro
He's the best
And he wins
Nobody can match his wit
He's the best of all time
He wins every time
He wins every time
He wins every time
He wins every time
He wins every time
He wins every time
He wins every time
He wins every time
It's the legend of
It's the legend of
It's the legend of
VGA Chronicles 10 Year Anniversary Stream the Official Song (Song Lyrics)
VGA Chronicles 10 Year Anniversary Stream the Official Song
written and performed by VGA Chronicles Guy.
VGA Chronicles
10 Year Anniversary Stream
We're celebrating Tetris
MS-DOS and things
VGA Chronicles
10 Year Anniversary Stream
Games are great, and great is games
These are wonderful things
Let's hearken back to the good ole days
When video games were games
When all you had was A and B
Or Windows 95
It's sad to think the times have changed
People moving on
They'll never know the greatness of
2D 8-bit fun
VGA Chronicles
10 Year Anniversary Stream
We're celebrating Sonic
Dr. Mario
VGA Chronicles
10 Year Anniversary Stream
Games are great, and great is games
These are wonderful things
The world of games is crashing down
But we can flip around that frown
Just play some golden oldies
For a change
C.O.D. is just a joke
Modern gaming makes me choke
It's time to play some vidja games
It's time to play some vidja games
It's time for VGA
written and performed by VGA Chronicles Guy.
VGA Chronicles
10 Year Anniversary Stream
We're celebrating Tetris
MS-DOS and things
VGA Chronicles
10 Year Anniversary Stream
Games are great, and great is games
These are wonderful things
Let's hearken back to the good ole days
When video games were games
When all you had was A and B
Or Windows 95
It's sad to think the times have changed
People moving on
They'll never know the greatness of
2D 8-bit fun
VGA Chronicles
10 Year Anniversary Stream
We're celebrating Sonic
Dr. Mario
VGA Chronicles
10 Year Anniversary Stream
Games are great, and great is games
These are wonderful things
The world of games is crashing down
But we can flip around that frown
Just play some golden oldies
For a change
C.O.D. is just a joke
Modern gaming makes me choke
It's time to play some vidja games
It's time to play some vidja games
It's time for VGA
Clu Clu Land (NES)
Clu Clu Land (1984) is a Japanese maze game for the NES/Famicom. This game is absolutely ridiculous and frustrating. In the game, you're a balloon fish. The goal is to uncover the gems hidden in the background by swimming over them. However, it's not easy. Monsters spawn from the center of each map and touching them kills you. Also, the center of the map kills you. Running out of time also kills you and the controls suck too. You're in constant motion and can only turn by swinging on poles. Sometimes a rubber band will appear out of nowhere (underwater?) and force you in a direction against your will, as the controls deny you of any chance to save yourself. Good luck with this one.
PS - Don't forget to press A!
Description quiz:
A) A robot approaches you and gives you 7 Nintendo Playstations. How many cats does Mario have in his hat if Luigi's apples are divisible by 67?
B) Explain where Dragon Quest III fits into the Zelda timeline.
C) Define "cloth". Divide the answer by 7. Carry 18 over to the phantom integer and calculate the distance of a Super Game Boy's jump height on Pluto with a talking banana fish.
D) How does Link feel about Mario's upcoming cameo in the new Final Fantasy XII? How does Sonic feel about this situation?
Saturday, September 9, 2017
felix nes - padded room edition
felix felix felix felix felix felix felix felix felix felix felix felix felix felix felix felix felix felix felix felix felix felix felix felix felix felix felix felix felix felix felix felix felix felix felix felix felix felix felix felix felix felix felix felix felix felix felix felix felix felix felix felix felix felix felix felix felix felix felix felix felix felix felix felix felix felix felix felix felix.
Friday, September 8, 2017
Felix's NES-based World
Felix The Cat (1992) is a game for NES. It features Felix, a cat, who has a magical bag. In this platformer, Felix gains power-ups that enable more of his magical ability. It is not known what type of cat Felix is. I recommend this game to anyone who is looking for a good time.
Quick Survey:
1) Why hasn't anyone ever heard of Felix The Cat?
2) How many remakes of SMB2 do we need starring Felix?
3) Why didn't Lego Felix premiere last year for the Game Boy Advance?
4) If Felix is so great, why is he a cat? Furthermore, why did Looney Tunes reject him?
Wednesday, September 6, 2017
pkmn horrible yellows - special dose
pokman stuff. like and sub.
1) do some math.
2) write a book report.
4) check on your garden once in a while.
6) feed pet gator.
2) ride bike.
2) go home.
ty for watching, ppl. for real. #vgachron
Tuesday, September 5, 2017
Pokemon Yellow (Gameboy)
Pokemon Yellow (1999) is a revision of the original Gameboy games, Pokemon Red & Green. In this version, the main character gets a Pikachu instead of a useful starter Pokemon. This game attempts to follow the anime somewhat, and is pretty fun. Probably the most annoying aspect of this game is how your Pokemon treats you like garbage, refuses to stay in the Pokeball, and doesn't evolve.
Description quiz:
A) Have you ever tried kiwi (the fruit)?
B) List 3 good reasons why Felix The Cat would make a decent cameo in a Pokemon game.
C) How many Clefables do you need to stack on one another in order to make a chain to Mercury?
D) Yeah, Mercury. You thought I was gonna say Neptune or something? Nah, we're going the other way this time.
E) Which Pokemon would you elect President of teh World?
Sunday, September 3, 2017
VGA Chronicles Education Hour Preview
Greetings, and welcome to VGA Chronicles Education Hour. I'm your host, VGA Chronicles Education Hour Professor Guy. Are you interested in learning knowledge? The world is a fascinating place. For example, did you know that fungi eat trees? This is a new series, related to teaching complex curriculum to newly hatched students of the new enlightenment of the millennium.
Saturday, September 2, 2017
1942 insane edition
1942) 1942?
1942) 1942?
1942) 1942?
1942) 1942?
1942) 1942?
Tha19nks42 fo1942r 1942ing 1942.
Thursday, August 31, 2017
pkmn TCG - dellux verson
Huh? What happened..?
00110001) 01010111 01100101 01101100 01100011 01101111 01101101 01100101 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01010110 01000111 01000001 00100000 01000011 01101000 01110010 01101111 01101110 01101001 01100011 01101100 01100101 01110011 00101110
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00110011) 01010110 01000111 01000001 00100000 01000011 01101000 01110010 01101111 01101110 01101001 01100011 01101100 01100101 01110011 00100000 01000111 01110101 01111001 00101110
00110101) 01000001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01110100 01101111 01100100 01100001 01111001 00101110 00101110 00101110
Wednesday, August 30, 2017
Pokemon Trading Card Game (GBC)
Pokemon Trading Card Game (2000) is a card battle game for Game Boy Color. This is the first GB game I ever owned on cartridge. It's pretty fun, and mostly easy if you are good at the card game in real life. The cards featured are from several of the first ever WOTC sets. Some cards are exclusive to this game, and others can only be obtained via infrared Card Popping with friends who have both the game and a compatible Gameboy. If you're interested in the Pokemon TCG, but not so much invested into card collecting, buy/play this game for a satisfactory introduction to the Pokemon collectible card game. Enjoy.
Cringe quiz:
A) On a scale of 1 to cringe, how was the quality of this video?
B) Who's your favorite starter in Pokemon Red/Blue?
O) How many Pokemon Trading Card Game cards are there in the entire universe (taking extraterrestrial life in consideration)? Show your work.
D) How many Pokemon Trading Card Game cartridges exist on the planet right now?
H) How does Geodude's Castle factor into the Ash Ketchum Pokemon Coma Theory?
Monday, August 28, 2017
Jagtris (MS DOS)
Jagtris (1998) is an interesting puzzle game for MS DOS. The game is like Tetris, the twist being that you are to tile match instead of clear lines. This game is more similar to Puyo Puyo than Tetris, yet it sports a Tetris clone-style name. Surprisingly, the game is compatible with USB gamepads. This makes for comfortable play, like a console puzzle game. A fun time killer.
Game link:
Top Priority test:
1) Which tetrimino was invented by the Chinese in 100 BC?
A) Tetris x Mario / Pokemon^Luigi (Metroid - Castlevania) + 10 = ???
N) How many VGA Chronicles Quizzes have you taken and PASSED?
4) What's the circular root of a maxed-out MicroSD SNES cartridge connected to a jet engine on Saturn's core?
Sunday, August 27, 2017
Gex: Enter The Gecko (GBC)
Gex: Enter the Gecko (1998) is a horrid platformer for the Game Boy Color. You're a gecko, traversing levels with the most frustrating controls possible. Everything's out to get you in this game. Nothing makes any sense. This game is so uninspiring to write about.
Rage Test:
1) R u mad?
2) Sally takes 700 caterpillars from Billy. How many rare bananas does Jake have?
3) Why doesn't Mario use the Super Boots on Level 10 of MegaLuigi Bros 5?
D) How many square dots fit into a cucumber?
Friday, August 25, 2017
Lego Bionicle (GBA)
Lego Bionicle (2001) is an overhead action RPG set in the Bionicle universe. Bionicle is a strange series of stories by Lego with lots of invented words and forced lore. It doesn't at all feel natural, yet the Lego models themselves do look interesting. Instead of playing as one of the cool tall models, you play as one of the cheap short models. You're basically this Lego robot thing on an island of others like you, throwing fruit at monsters in caves from a topdown-isometric-pseudo 3D perspective. As one who considers himself still fresh to Lego games, I found this game to be fun and even worth playing again. It has many RPG qualities that mix well with the action-based nature of the game.
International Survey:
1) Why don't Bionicle wear pants? Does this not affect censorship or the FCC?
2) Is the FDA preventing Nintendo from releasing Super Mario-themed meat loaf? Show your work.
4) Describe, in graphic detail, how Bionicles mate.
72) If Yoshi and Pikachu have a son together named Ryu, and Spyro lays 694 eggs within a span of 200 years, while the Nintendo NX released Pokemon Rainbow Nebula, there's still a chance Bernie can win, click here to find out.
Tuesday, August 22, 2017
Need For Speed Carbon - Own The City (GBA)
Need For Speed Carbon: Own The City (2006) for Game Boy Advance is a game that involves driving fast on roads. In this game, you are a guy suffering from amnesia after a car accident. Right away, some strange people scoop you up and demand to train you to start racing. This game is insane; the controls are terrible and the plot is confusing. It's one of the later Need For Speed games on GBA, so I am doubting the earlier games were better. Not recommended.
1) Who is "Need" and how does he relate to "For Speed"?
2) Who is Homes? Where does his character come into play and is he the protagonist of the Carbon series?
3) On a scale of 1 to 50,000 brazil nuts, how would you rate this game in comparison to Mario's rating? Note: You have to also rate Mario.
4) Why isn't Mario in this game?
5) If you have 10 Marios and you lose 12, how many Luigis are born from Yoshi eggs per second?
6) If it's raining in Dream Land, what mathematical equation is needed to allow Kirby to progress towards MegaMan 8's Emerald Zone Act 1?
Sunday, August 20, 2017
Sugoro Quest: The Quest of Dice Heroes (NES)
Sugoro Quest (1991) is a game that came out for Famicom only. It's basically an RPG in basically a fantasy world. You - the player - throw dice at monsters in order to fight them as you crawl around on a map screen that resembles a board from a typical board game. It's kind of a weird concept, but it works.
SAT test:
A) Name one song by Eminem. Divide it by 3.7. Show your work.
B) What's the triangular root of a turkey's China-made NES on a Thursday on Mars? Why?
C) If Mario eats 3 mushrooms, does he grow 3 times as large compared to his base form or his Super form? What happened to the Mega stage inbetween? What? Show your work.
D) Mario is autistic. True or False?
E) Why can't Zelda save the princess in MegaMan 13? Type the game genie code to beat Ganon in Mario to find out.
Friday, August 18, 2017
1942 (NES)
1942 (1986) is a vertical scrolling shooter game for the NES, originally an arcade game by Capcom. In this game, you are a fighting air craft that shoots projectiles at other air crafts. Some of the enemies shoot back! You cannot take damage in a game like this without dying. This is one of those games where time is of the essence. That means it takes time to develop an essence of ability to play this game. Enjoy the video, person.
Description quiz:
A) Why is the game titled 1942?
B) How many buckets of sand does it take to fry an egg in Mario's house?
C) Pikachu has 3 pales of lettuce, while Dodrio has 72 gallons of wine. How many gallons of wine does Dodrio have?
D) Count to 1942 without stopping (except to breathe, sleep, pee, eat, etcetera).
E) How many Digimon died in the making of this game? Was there a lawsuit? Why/why not? True or False?
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
VGA 'N Friends: Galaga - Demons of Death (NES)
Galaga - Demons of Death (1988) is a port of an arcade game known as Galaga. Unlike games like Gradius, Galaga is a fixed shooter, similar to Space Invaders. You play as a spaceship attempting to shoot only about three missiles at a time towards gigantic flies, crabs, and lobsters. Sometimes the lobsters try to use tractor beams on you - watch out! Apparently all these enemies are the demons in outer space and you play as one who is trying to destroy them all. Uncommon of a shooter, this game is actually fun.
Description quiz:
1) What's the square root of a banana?
2) What kind of Pokemon are you and how do you do the things you do?
3a)What's your favorite kind of Pokeball?
5) Which game universe would you choose to live in if you had to choose?
5b) Who did Super Mario take to court for vandalism in 2002?
Monday, August 14, 2017
VGA 'N Friends: Gargoyle's Quest 2 - The Demon Darkness (NES)
Gargoyle's Quest 2 - The Demon Darkness (1992) is the sequel to Gargoyle's Quest 1. I haven't played the first one yet, but I can tell you that this game is hard as hell and somewhat misleading. It starts off as an RPG, then throws you into difficult platforming. Thank balls there isn't a timer. Anyways, you have to climb on walls and jump around. You shoot fireballs at enemy, kind of like Mario. But enemies respawn like no tomorrow and they can attack you through walls! What the fuck! I don't actually recommend this game, but it's not that bad. Just requires time and patience, like any game in the Ghosts 'N Goblins series.
Personality test:
A) What Mario is the real Mario?
B) Name at least 6 Bird-type Pokemon from Gold or Ruby versions, specifically.
C) Name 5 characters from Pokemon Z.
D) Define "Mushroom".
Saturday, August 12, 2017
VGA 'N Friends: Super Mario Bros. 2 (Famicom Disk System)
Super Mario Bros. 2 (1986), also known as Super Mario Bros: The Lost Levels in the USA, is the sequel to the original platforming game Super Mario Bros. This game is hard as a ballsack. Some of the mushrooms are toxic, there's more enemies, and the levels are cluttered with unjumpable gaps at times. Although this game is intense, I recommend it to anyone who enjoys challenging platformers. It's one of those platformers where you definitely have to invest time into the game.
Worth-your-time survey:
2) Why is Kirby pink? For that matter, why is he any color at all? Why is he not transparent/clear?
3) Which Final Fantasy is the FINAL fantasy for you?
4) When you play Pokemon Red, you get 10 Pikachus. Why?
5) Define "super jump".
Friday, August 11, 2017
Tetris for Game Boy
Tetris (1989) for Game Boy is a phenomenal puzzle game that is alive and well today on many platforms. This version of the game is commonly praised and cherished by retrogamers across the world. There isn't much to say here - it's just Tetris, but on the go. If you like action puzzle games, this is the holy grail of them all.
Description quiz:
A) Why is Mario scared to play Tetris? What's he got to lose?
B) Comment "Tetris" if you've ever scored more than 500 points in the game.
C) Many gamers have theorized that Banjo Kazooie was the original first-ever Tetris game, but does this theory hold liquid water?
D) In Yoshi, enemies fall from the top of the screen. But in Tetris, it's blocks instead! How could Nintendo have gotten away with this specific inconsistency?
E) 3 Yoshis divided by 4 goombas and 1 Red-shelled Koopa paratroopa equals 10 Waluigis and half a Sir Kibble. True / False ? Show your work.
Wednesday, August 9, 2017
Lego Racers 2 (GBA)
Lego Racers 2 (2001) for the Gameboy Advance is the sorry sequel to Lego Racers. The controls on this game aren't that great. This game plays as if Super Mario Kart were ripped off and then combined with an unproductive RPG. The characters in Story Mode will bore you to tears with their horrid, time-wasting dialogue as you endure more of Lego's forced lore. All you wanna do is race karts, but you have to play it like a board game first and find the right person to challenge.
Public quiz:
1) Why does Lego insist on forcing lore upon us?
2) How many Lego sets do you own?
3) Name your favorite NES game for the Sega Genesis.
3) If three triangles attend Mario's house party, how many Sonic the Hedgehogs does it take to cut a Donkey Kong some slack?
3) What happens when you mix Mega Bloks and Legos? (Hint: Divide by zero)
Monday, August 7, 2017
Another Bible (Gameboy)
Another Bible (1995) is a Gameboy game from the Last Bible series. It's not bad, I kinda like it. It's a strategy RPG, and it's turn-based at that. One could say this game is tactical and strategetic. This game was only released in a place known as Japan, but a translation patch can be found for it online. Just ask the Internet! Also, this game is compatible with the Super Gameboy!
Description quiz:
A) You're in a cave. To the west is a SNES, to the north a Famicom, to your right rests a Dreamcast, and to the south is a TurboGrafx-16. You have 2 double A batteries, a sandwich, a deck of cards, and a Yoshi. What do you do?
B) If Mario is pregnant, how many Goombas can the RX-78 take out before Megaman defeats Rockman for defeating Batman? Divide your answer by 3 and show your work.
C) What's your favorite turn-based RPG and why?
Sunday, August 6, 2017
Cabela's Big Game Hunter 2005 Adventures GBA (Full Video)
Cabela's Big Game Hunter 2005 Adventures for GBA was supposed to be a game which stood with the phenomenal, influential Cabela's game series. But it's lame. The console and PC versions of this game were released in 2004, despite the game having 2005 in the title. More proof that Cabela's was ahead of its time.
1) When is wabbit season?
2) Divide 7 by 0. Now add 10. Determine how many cells is in the body of number 10. Now take 10 and multiply it by 12.3. Put the end result in a hypotonic solution and record the final result. Show your work: True or False?
5) What's a Cabela?
8) How many deer live in Pennsylvania right now? Cite your sources.
Thursday, August 3, 2017
Energy Breaker (Combat System)
(Part 4) VGA Chron guy picks Energy Breaker back up again in order to understand the battle system. As it turns out, this game is not for the beginner RPGer. You may have to try harder than I did to play this game well.
Ancient quiz:
1) When does Sonic the Hedgehog make a cameo in Energy Breaker?
2) If you were Sonic the Hedgehog, how many Wii U games would you buy?
3) What's the square root of 7 Sonic the Hedgehog rings, divided by 52 Super Mushrooms? Show your work in Microsoft Excel.
4) Seriously, how many times does Sonic show up in Energy Breaker and Lufia II?
Wednesday, August 2, 2017
Energy Breaker (SNES)
VGA Chronicles presents the first VGA Chron video ever. Brought to you by VGA Chron Guy. Energy Breaker (1996) is a Super Famicom RPG with isometric graphics and stuff. It's interesting in a way. But I really don't know what I'm doing.
A) What's an RPG?
B) How many magic spells does it take to defeat a dragon in Super mode?
C) Which weapon was used to defeat Yoshi in Castlevania III?
D) How many Pikachus does it take to convince Mario that he's just a figment of Kirby's imagination from one of Sonic's dreams about this game?
Tuesday, August 1, 2017
Cabela's Big Game Hunter for GBA (Full Video)
Cabela's Big Game Hunter (2002) is a game which is part of the most influential game series in all of game history - the Cabela's series. A lot of games rip off the foundational aspects of Cabela's without giving the proper credit that Cabela's deserves. Cabela's is a hunting game series. You hunt things in these games. This game isn't very good, honestly. It's a disgrace to the Cabela's name!
Super quiz:
1) How many aliens exist in the universe right now? Show your work.
2) What type of cell can travel through time and dimensions without going through mitosis? Cite your sources.
3) How many fingers do reptilians have? How many government agencies have they encouraged?
4) What's the deal with airline food?
Sunday, July 30, 2017
Dinosaur GBC (Full Video)
Dinosaur (2000) for GBC. Personally, if you ask me, this game is hard. I wouldn't play it again even if you asked me to. It's just not a fair game and it's too easy to screw up completely. I'd rather play Gex again.
Description quiz:
A) How many electrons does a hydrogen atom have when it is bonded with oxygen?
B) Which cell organelle synthesizes proteins?
C) Why is Mario's suit green and Luigi's purple?
D) What year did Kirby marry Yoshi and who was considered the bride? Also, name the SNES/GameCube game that features this cherished event.
Friday, July 28, 2017
That Other Bionicle Game for GBA (Full Video)
This is the Bionicle GBA port from 2003. It is a difficult game. Not sure what the story is. I never understood Bionicle lore. This game is hard, it's not a turn-based RPG. I don't know if I can play this again. I can, but I don't know if I want to. I might, but I might also not. :/
Final Exam:
1) Why do so many people hate Bionicle for GBA, especially me?
2) How many Legos can you fit into a crab carcass before sundown if you start an hour late?
3) How can this game possibly be enjoyed?
4) How many grams of cellulose was used to construct Mario from Paper Mario for the Nintendo 63?
Wednesday, July 26, 2017
Lego Racers GBC (Full Video)
Lego Racers (2000) for the Game Boy Color. It's a game that pretends to be 3D, but it isn't! The controls are difficult, and it's pretty bare bones. It's got Legos in it, though.
1) How many Marios does it take to screw in a light bulb? Show your work.
2) Solve the equation: If 2 + 2 = 4, then Red Lego Brick + Yoshi = ?
3) What's the square root of a Tyrannosaurus Rex?
Tuesday, July 25, 2017
Dogz GBA (Full Video)
Hello, and welcome to VGA Chronicles. This is Dogz GBA, the full video. Originally I couldn't upload long videos. However, that has changed, so now I am uploading longer videos. That's all I really have to say about that. I hope you enjoy watching me, VGA Chronicles Guy, play Dogz for the GBA. This very same content can be found in three parts on my channel if you prefer shorter videos with cuts.
Ultra Personal Survey:
1) What's your favorite dog?
2) What did you eat last?
3) How many times have you read a VGA Chronicles description?
4) What kind of Pokemon are you?
Sunday, July 23, 2017
Cabela's 2005 Adventures GBA (Part 2)
(Part 2) Cabela's 2005 continued. Nothing improved, and I'm more disappointed than ever. I can't believe I'm playing this game in this video - this is time I'll never get back. I didn't get to shoot anything in the last video. Odds are I won't get to shoot anything in this one. Only time will tell.
Ultra survey:
A) If 10 deer reside in a field in Pennsylvania while entertaining a neighborhood ram, what are the chances that a bear will come barging in drunk with a half-full keg and a chainsaw?
B) Define "Super Mario Brothers" and choose a real-world example. Multiply that example by 74 and give Luigi a muffin. Now prank Bowser.
C) List all the 1D games you play.
Cabela's 2005 Adventures GBA (Part 1)
Cabela's Big Game Hunter 2005 Adventures (2005) for the Gameboy Advance is a long title for a game with a shortened value of fun. This is a hunting simulation, but it's not fun. It's pretty lame. Not the Cabela's that I remember, I tell you what. You might not want to rent or buy this game.
Easy quiz:
A) What did Mario do to Misty and Ash in episode 708 of Pokemon and how many times did he do it?
B) Define "deer in Pennsylvania".
3) Have you ever gotten mad at the dog from Duck Hunt when he laughed at you for failing to shoot an 8bit duck with a light gun?
F) How many lightbulbs does it take to screw in a bear?
X) If Kirby is dead, and Mario inherits Dream Land, why doesn't Psyduck just take an aspirin and call the police on Geno? For that matter, where is Megaman and why hasn't he defeated Princess Peach in 1v1?
Saturday, July 22, 2017
Animal Quest (MS-DOS)
Animal Quest (1991) is a turn-based roguelike animal adventure game for MS-DOS. In this game, you parade around as an animal of your choice. The object of the game is to eat food and get back to your primitive lair in the wood. There are 3 difficulty levels and the game can range from easy as pie to impossible. In this video, I believe I am playing an early shareware version of the game (which is the same version I grew up with). It's a nice time waster and can be fun if you choose moderate difficulty. Unfortunately, you cannot purchase this game anymore. You can, however, download an early build or play it online for free. I'll help you out with that by providing links. Enjoy the video and happy hunting!
Play Animal Quest v4.0 Shareware Online:
Download Animal Quest versions here:
Note: If you download the game, read the description first for some helpful hints I was never aware of.
Longtimenosee Survey:
A) Sup?
B) The environmentalists want to save the animals. Name 3 things animals can do that humans can't.
C) How many animals does it take to build the sun?
D) Name your favorite animal. Divide that animal by 2. Now I'm calling the police.
E) Serious time: Tell me your favorite DOS game memory!
Friday, July 21, 2017
Dinosaur GBC (Part 2)
(Part 2) Just VGA Chron Guy trying to play a crazy game about dinosaurs. If this is a dinosaur game, why are half the characters monkeys? Wtf, Disney. Use some logic. Monkeys aren't dinosaurs, thier're homo sapiens.
1) Favorite... beer?
2) Favorite way to eat chicken.
3) Favorite Power Ranger.
4) Favorite VGA Chronicles episode? :D
Dinosaur GBC (Part 1)
Disney's Dinosaur (2000) for Game Boy Color is a game based on a movie by Disney. I never saw the movie. This game is an action puzzle adventure. It is unforgiving in difficulty, even though some 10 year old kid can probably beat it in an hour. Well, some 10 year old from 2000. Kids these days don't understand retro. They can't comprehend it.
Post-video test:
A) Why do trees exist?
B) Spell "VGA Chronicles" in greek.
C) Define "dinosaur".
D) What's the square root of a penis? Take your time and show your work.
E) If Mario goes back in time to save Luigi from a t-rex, who was the main character of Doki Doki Panic in 1843?
Wednesday, July 19, 2017
That other Bionicle game (Part 2)
Part 2: Bionicle Lego models look cool, but the lore is incredibly forced. No one understands what is going on in this series. I just bought these Legos because I couldn't afford Gundam model imports as a teenager.
A simple survey:
A) Who honestly played this game and enjoyed it?
B) What's your favorite Nintendo 63 game?
3) Luigi + Hydrogen + Radium = ?
D) Name a game worse than this one.
That other Bionicle game (Part 1)
Bionicle (2003) is a game based on Legos. It's about these robot-like things made out of Legos and they live on an island, but there are some bad ones and they get mad and fight the good ones. So some of the good ones are stronger so they fight the bad ones. You play as a good one.
Description quiz:
1) Define "bionicle" in simple terms.
3) Why doesn't this game make sense?
4) Why did Shigeru Miyamuto take the Super Mushrom out of SMB1?
5) This game sucks. (True / False)
Monday, July 17, 2017
Dogz GBA, Part 3
(Part 3) Welcome back to VGA Chronicles. Still playing Dogz for the GBA. Let's see how far I can go before I get tired of it. That's the goal, typically.
Descriptional test:
1) Define "define."
2) How mny dogs does it take to cheer up a clinically depressed person?
3) Why don't dogs use toilets more often?
5) Do dogs get a free pass on rudeness? If so, why and can you explain it without using math?
8) Solve the equation and show your work: Dog(z) x 6 = Video / Game^3.
Sunday, July 16, 2017
Dogz GBA, Part 2
(Part 2) It's taken me longer than intended to choose a proper dog. I am, however, confident I will choose an excellent breed for the experience this game has to offer.
A) In particular, how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tomato?
C) Cna yuo ingroe tpyos?
D) What's the square root of a grape nut?
E) How many fingers am I not holding up over there?
Dogz GBA, Part 1
Dogz for the GBA is supposedly part of a long-running game series called Petz. In this game, you play as a chile trying to adopt the right pet. The rest of the game is you interacting with your pet, family, and community in an RPG-esque way. How involved is this game? Down to the last detail.
Motivational survey:
1) Define "dog" and explain the etymology.
2) How many dogs does it take to screw in a light bulb?
3) Name the Top 5 Most Influential Blues Musicians that sponsored Cabela's.
4) What is your favorite Thanksgiving food item?
Saturday, July 8, 2017
Need for Speed Carbon - Own The City (Part 2)
(Part 2) This game is frustrating as hell.
Description quiz:
A) Name 1 character from Super Mario. I bet you can't. :)
B) Define "yoshi".
C) What do Shy Guys eat for breakfast?
Need for Speed Carbon - Own The City (Part 1)
Need For Speed Carbon Own The City is a game with a long title. You race in it, I think. Let's figure out what this game really is and why it exists.
Official survey:
1) What's your favorite racing game?
2) How many Tetris blocks does it take to crush and destroy Gex?
3) Define "cringe humor".
4) Will you/have you see(n) the Tetris movie(s)?
Thursday, July 6, 2017
VGA 'N Friends: Chess4All - bigwizard vs Forlifemyass
Finally, after a long and painful setup over the course of two days, the chess match begins. Who will win? VGA Chronicles Guy (bigwizard) or VGA Chronicle Guy's Friend (Forlifemyass)? Who knows? Press the like button and subscribe to find out.
Video survey:
1) Who won for real?
2) Do you think cheating in games is an acceptable course of action?
3) Why do Slugma hang out with ducks?
4) How many rare candies does it take to send a Snorlax to the moon?
6) If you were Super Mario, would you jump on a goomba, kick a Koopa shell, or kiss a peach?
Wednesday, July 5, 2017
Pokemon GO: Top 5 Pokemon To Use
There are many interesting Pokemon in the Pokeverse. But what about Pokemon GO specifically? Well, according to VGACHQ research, here's 5 Pokemon that are superior to others.
Top 5 Pokemon to Use in Pokemon GO
VGA Chronicles Guy

The most sought after Pokemon in the game. Known for being bold, powerful, and not being a real dragon, Charizards are commonly found near water hoses, big trees, small trees, medium trees, and anywhere that has sand or small pebbles embedded into the earth. Favorite food: Potato salad.
#4. Mew
#3. Caterpie
Commonly referred to as the strongest Pokemon. Caterpie, unevolved, makes a great team player with a plethora of deadly moves that enhance it from previous Pokemon games. This Pokemon can be found by staring into the bathroom mirror and chanting Caterpie's name (which is Caterpie) three times. If done correctly, a Caterpie will appear! Favorite board game: Monopoly.
#2. Slugma
The Pokemon with the best type combination. Unbeatable against Water types and usually has the type advantage against Ground types. Slugma is usually found near a local pond, fishing area, under your bed, or near a duck. Slugmas prefer the company of ducks. Favorite day of the week: Thursday.
#1. Snorlax
The Pokemon with the highest base agility. This Pokemon is highly sought after for it's practicality. There are only two known ways to capture a Snorlax. One way is by visiting a Walmart, and the other way is to catch one while sleeping. Having options is such a great luxury. Favorite video game franchise: Pokemon!
Have a great day! 😊
Description quiz:
A) Are Pokemon real? Why?
B) What's your favorite Pokemon breeding combination?
C) Name 4 Pokemon types that aren't in the games.
D) Explain the mating ritual of a Sandrew.
Monday, July 3, 2017
Cabela's Big Game Hunter GBA (Part 2)
Here in Part 2, we learn that nature has little to fear from mankind in this game.
Ultra quiz 2002:
1) If you went hunting, what would you hunt?
2) What restaurant chain has the best bear steak?
3) Are fish sticks still alive when you cook them?
4) How many bowls of melted peanut butter does it take to milk a politically correct lizard during the dark ages?
2000) Why does Activision exist? :(
Cabela's Big Game Hunter GBA (Part 1)
Cabela's Big Game Hunter is a hunting game series. Today, we are going to try out the Gameboy Advance port of the game. If you've ever played a GBA, you already know what to expect.
The Survey quiz:
A) What's a cabela?
B) Define "moose"
C) How many apples are in a single atom?
D) What's your favorite genre of bear?
E) Should this game be outlawed for human cruelty?
Saturday, July 1, 2017
Lego Bionicle GBA (Part 3)
Lego Bionicle for the Gameboy Advance is kind of an action RPG. You are a little lego thing that goes on quests. It's kind of like Zelda. Enjoy.
Super Test:
1) What is (% + @) ?
2) Name 5 types of Zeldas.
3) Which Pokemon was sent to the Shadow Realm in Pokemon Red?
4) Name 5 Ancient Egyptians that contributed to building the Great Wall of China.
Lego Bionicle GBA (Part 2)
Lego Bionicle for the Gameboy Advance is kind of an action RPG. You are a little lego thing that goes on quests. It's kind of like Zelda. Enjoy.
Personality survey:
1) Name 1 character from the Mario franchise without looking it up.
1b) Name 1 character from The Odyssey.
2) In a sentence with less than 20 words, but more than 300, explain what life is in the language of an Egyptian bumble bee.
7) Why do Pokemon 'faint'?
Friday, June 30, 2017
Lego Bionicle GBA (Part 1)
Lego Bionicle for the Gameboy Advance is kind of an action RPG. You are a little lego thing that goes on quests. It's kind of like Zelda. Enjoy.
Description quiz:
A) What's your favorite anime?
B) What animal do you WISH could breathe fire?
C) How many molecules of water have you consumed in your entire life?
D) How do you get out of the Forest of Illusion in SMW?
E) What is up with Yoshi?
Thursday, June 29, 2017
Gex Enter The Gecko for GBC (Part 2)
Here's some more misery. Gex video... Part 2. If you made it this far, you must truly enjoy the struggle.
Description quiz:
1) 4 Legos divded by 7 Mario blocks = ______________?
2) How many times does Kirby utilize a victory dance in the history of game footage across the world (pre-2004)? Note: Use the cubic square principle.
3) If a Giraffe barks, is it just a really deformed dog pretending to be an octopus's grandma?
4) If you had a power-up from the Mario series, what would it be and what would you do with it? Why? Elaborate. Why? Why? How? Why? Explain. Divide by 5. Why? Add 10 but subtract 22,000 from the integer, squared by half a goat. Explain how you got your answer.
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
Gex Enter The Gecko for GBC (Part 1)
Gex for the GameBoy Color is a painful game. Expect to be annoyed or confused, but try to have a good time anyway.
Description quiz:
A) Are you a Gex connisuer?
B) Why Gex? Why not play anything else? Explain. Why? Wrong.
C) How many atoms are there in the entire universe?
D) What does 'VGA' stand for? Be polite with your response.
E) Who is the current King of England?
Monday, June 26, 2017
Jagtris (MSDOS, 1998) (Part 2)
(Part 2 of 2) Jagtris is like Tetris, except it's not. Jagtris doesn't attempt to rip of Tetris directly (compared to other variants) and has a surprising charm to it! Softgun released Jagtris in 1998 for MS DOS. The full game can be downloaded today on Softgun's website, which is incuded below.
Game link:
Description quiz:
A) What's your least favorite original of Puyo Puyo and why?
B) How many Digimon does it give to fill out the moon?
C) Add 1 + 28,093. Now add 0. Multiply that by 700, minus 33,033, and divide by 42,913,0003. Why?
D) What's the worst type of quesadilla?
E) How many egg(s) are outside a box of expensive kiwis?
Jagtris (MSDOS, 1998) (Part 1)
(Part 1 of 2) Jagtris is like Tetris, except it's not. Jagtris doesn't attempt to rip of Tetris directly (compared to other variants) and has a surprising charm to it! Softgun released Jagtris in 1998 for MS DOS. The full game can be downloaded today on Softgun's website, which is incuded below.
Game link:
Description quiz:
A) What's your favorite blatant ripoff of Tetris and why?
B) How many Pokemon does it take to block out the sun?
C) Add 2 + 2. Now add 5. Multiply that by 70, minus 33, and divide by 42. Why?
D) What's the best type of sandwich?
E) How many noodle(s) are within a cup of cheap ramen?
Saturday, June 24, 2017
Lego Racers 2 GBA (Part II)
Part 2 of the epicness of Lego Racers 2 (GBA version). I can't seem to figure out what to do in this game. Is it an RPG? It's acting like an RPG that mated with a racing game. Hmmm... ok time for another shot.
Poll: Who is the greatest pokemon?
A) Mario
B) Pekachu*
C) Captain Redbeard (Lego Racers for GBC)
D) Luigia
* = From a specific game.
Friday, June 23, 2017
Lego Racers 2 GBA (Part I)
Lego Racers 2 (for the GameBoy Advance) is a game all about NPCs and bizarre racing challenges. Is it just me, or is this just another ripoff of Mario Kart? Oh well. Let's see how dangerous this game is.
Description quiz:
1) What's your favorite lego brick?
2) How many legos have you avoided buying?
3) Is your house constructed of legos or mega bloks?
4) How do you feel about a Pokemon+Lego collaboration?
5) Is it easy to be green?
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
Playing Yoshi on the NES
It's time to play something that isn't Tetris. Yoshi (also known as 'Mario & Yoshi' or 'Yoshi's Egg') is something kinda like Tetris on the NES. What's so fun about this game? Matching tiles, timing drops, and hatching baby yoshis!
Question of the day: Have you ever had scrambled Yoshi eggs? Comment your answer below.
Other questions:
- Is yoshi a man or a woman?
- Is Mario aware of what's going on in the Mushroom Kingdom?
- Waluigi has 3 eggs. Daisy has 9. How many eggs does a goomba have on a train to Detroit with 6 Boos and a Baby Bowser?
- How many Pokemon does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
It's time to play a game that has the phrase 'VGA' in its title. VGATetris is a Tetris clone created by Jared Tarbell and released in 1991. The game is very bare bones, lacks music, and most importantly, has anti-comfortable controls. It is still Tetris, however, so I play it and respect it. Enjoy!
Description quiz:
A) What is your favorite MS DOS game?
B) Is Tetris easy? Is it hard? Explain.
C) What's the weather like where you live?
D) What's your favorite type of rice?
Sunday, June 18, 2017
Welcome back to VGA Chronicles Reviews. This time, VGACG is reviewing a review! But there is a twist. It is a review from VGA Chronicles Reviews! Please enjoy, like/dislike, comment, and subscribe!
1) What did you think?
2) Should I keep reviewing the same review or should I review the reviews of the reviews?
4) What else should I review?
7) What if I don't comply?
Saturday, June 17, 2017
Twin Dragons (NES)
Twin Dragons (2016) is a new NES game in the works by Broke Studio. The version I played was a demo for the 2016 NESdev Coding Competition. This game is a platformer in which you play as a dragon and kill enemies. The dragon I chose, named Dinky, eats peppers and spits fire. The graphics are perfect and the music is catchy and satisfying. Gameplay and controls are nice, however don't forget to press Up+B for the power-up attack and Down+A to descend through platforms. This game is planned for a release on cartridge.
Kickstarter page for Twin Dragons:
Description quiz:
A) Define the square root of a dragon. Show your work.
D) What year did America discover the cheeseburger?
C) How many fireballs did I shoot? Hint: Count the number of enemies on each level and divide by 59.
4) What was Sega's reasoning for not casting Super Mario for Castlevania III?
Lego Racers GBC, Part 2
VGA Chronicles Guy attempts to be the best Lego racer imaginable. Will he succeed? Maybe. But he needs your support.
Video quiz:
1) What was your favorite track (so far)?
2) How did Lego Racers make you feel?
3) Would you ever consider being genetically fused with legos if it could make you immortal?
4) Solve this equation: (SNES x GB) / sqrt(PS1) - GBA = ???
Friday, June 16, 2017
Lego Racers GBC, Part 1
Some fabulous footage of Lego Racers for the GameBoy Color, brought to you by VGA Chronicles.
Description survey:
A) What kind of pet(s) do you own?
B) What's the most exotic object you have ever crafted from legos or mega bloks?
C) What's the square root of 784?
Thursday, June 15, 2017
Kentris (another ripoff of Tetris)
VGA Chronicles Guy takes a crack at the legendary Kentris, a tetris clone for MS DOS, released in 1991 as freeware by Ken Silverman. The man is clearly a legend of disorienting graphics and impressive MS DOS music scores. Watch VGA struggle to play this confusing game! Enjoy!
Description quiz:
1) Why do trees grow upward?
2) Is gravity even real?
3) If you have 5 apples and your friend has 8, and you're on a train headed towards Detroit, how many mangos does a chimpanzee have in New York on a Sunday afternoon at the end of St. Patrick's day? Explain, and show your work.
Sunday, June 11, 2017
Kid Dracula
VGA Chronicles Guy makes an attempt to enjoy the game known as Kid Dracula. Time to face the Castlevania franchise for the first time.
Super quiz:
1) Who was the first president of the United States of Mars?
2) Which year did the Martians travel to the Earth's moon in search of gold?
4) When did the Spanish invade Neptune and who led the navy to the planet's core? Why? Explain. You're wrong, try again. Why? Elaborate. You're still wrong. Keep trying. I believe in you. Never mind, you fail.
VGA Chronicles is starting a new serious series, known as VGA Chronicles Guy presents VGA Chronicles Reviews. Hosted by the VGACG himself, in the very first episode, the VGA Chronicles Guy reviews an apple. Yes, the fruit.
Description poll - Pick your favorite fruit out of these choices:
- Apple
- Orange
- Tomato
- Fruit
- Cashew
- Egg
Top 7 Ripoffs of Pikachu
Did you know Pikachu specifically has been ripped off countless times throughout Pokemon history? Here are the facts about it all, brought to you by VGA Chronicles Top Lists.
Top 7 Ripoffs of Pikachu
VGA Chronicles Guy#7. Togedemaru
#6. Dedenne
#5. Emolga
#4. Pachirisu
#3. Plusle & Minun
#2. Pichu
#1. Raichu
Survey (data collected by the Department of VGACG):
A) What's your favorite digimon?
B) How do you milk a Charmander?
C) How do you milk an Ivysaur?
D) Which Pokemon can fly underwater while using Dig?
G) What version of Pokemon gives you the most Missingnos and why?
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