Thursday, June 29, 2017

Gex Enter The Gecko for GBC (Part 2)

Here's some more misery. Gex video... Part 2. If you made it this far, you must truly enjoy the struggle.

Description quiz:
1) 4 Legos divded by 7 Mario blocks = ______________?
2) How many times does Kirby utilize a victory dance in the history of game footage across the world (pre-2004)? Note: Use the cubic square principle.
3) If a Giraffe barks, is it just a really deformed dog pretending to be an octopus's grandma?
4) If you had a power-up from the Mario series, what would it be and what would you do with it? Why? Elaborate. Why? Why? How? Why? Explain. Divide by 5. Why? Add 10 but subtract 22,000 from the integer, squared by half a goat. Explain how you got your answer.

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