Monday, August 14, 2017

VGA 'N Friends: Gargoyle's Quest 2 - The Demon Darkness (NES)

Gargoyle's Quest 2 - The Demon Darkness (1992) is the sequel to Gargoyle's Quest 1. I haven't played the first one yet, but I can tell you that this game is hard as hell and somewhat misleading. It starts off as an RPG, then throws you into difficult platforming. Thank balls there isn't a timer. Anyways, you have to climb on walls and jump around. You shoot fireballs at enemy, kind of like Mario. But enemies respawn like no tomorrow and they can attack you through walls! What the fuck! I don't actually recommend this game, but it's not that bad. Just requires time and patience, like any game in the Ghosts 'N Goblins series.

Personality test:
A) What Mario is the real Mario?
B) Name at least 6 Bird-type Pokemon from Gold or Ruby versions, specifically.
C) Name 5 characters from Pokemon Z.
D) Define "Mushroom".

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