Sunday, July 30, 2017
Dinosaur GBC (Full Video)
Dinosaur (2000) for GBC. Personally, if you ask me, this game is hard. I wouldn't play it again even if you asked me to. It's just not a fair game and it's too easy to screw up completely. I'd rather play Gex again.
Description quiz:
A) How many electrons does a hydrogen atom have when it is bonded with oxygen?
B) Which cell organelle synthesizes proteins?
C) Why is Mario's suit green and Luigi's purple?
D) What year did Kirby marry Yoshi and who was considered the bride? Also, name the SNES/GameCube game that features this cherished event.
Friday, July 28, 2017
That Other Bionicle Game for GBA (Full Video)
This is the Bionicle GBA port from 2003. It is a difficult game. Not sure what the story is. I never understood Bionicle lore. This game is hard, it's not a turn-based RPG. I don't know if I can play this again. I can, but I don't know if I want to. I might, but I might also not. :/
Final Exam:
1) Why do so many people hate Bionicle for GBA, especially me?
2) How many Legos can you fit into a crab carcass before sundown if you start an hour late?
3) How can this game possibly be enjoyed?
4) How many grams of cellulose was used to construct Mario from Paper Mario for the Nintendo 63?
Wednesday, July 26, 2017
Lego Racers GBC (Full Video)
Lego Racers (2000) for the Game Boy Color. It's a game that pretends to be 3D, but it isn't! The controls are difficult, and it's pretty bare bones. It's got Legos in it, though.
1) How many Marios does it take to screw in a light bulb? Show your work.
2) Solve the equation: If 2 + 2 = 4, then Red Lego Brick + Yoshi = ?
3) What's the square root of a Tyrannosaurus Rex?
Tuesday, July 25, 2017
Dogz GBA (Full Video)
Hello, and welcome to VGA Chronicles. This is Dogz GBA, the full video. Originally I couldn't upload long videos. However, that has changed, so now I am uploading longer videos. That's all I really have to say about that. I hope you enjoy watching me, VGA Chronicles Guy, play Dogz for the GBA. This very same content can be found in three parts on my channel if you prefer shorter videos with cuts.
Ultra Personal Survey:
1) What's your favorite dog?
2) What did you eat last?
3) How many times have you read a VGA Chronicles description?
4) What kind of Pokemon are you?
Sunday, July 23, 2017
Cabela's 2005 Adventures GBA (Part 2)
(Part 2) Cabela's 2005 continued. Nothing improved, and I'm more disappointed than ever. I can't believe I'm playing this game in this video - this is time I'll never get back. I didn't get to shoot anything in the last video. Odds are I won't get to shoot anything in this one. Only time will tell.
Ultra survey:
A) If 10 deer reside in a field in Pennsylvania while entertaining a neighborhood ram, what are the chances that a bear will come barging in drunk with a half-full keg and a chainsaw?
B) Define "Super Mario Brothers" and choose a real-world example. Multiply that example by 74 and give Luigi a muffin. Now prank Bowser.
C) List all the 1D games you play.
Cabela's 2005 Adventures GBA (Part 1)
Cabela's Big Game Hunter 2005 Adventures (2005) for the Gameboy Advance is a long title for a game with a shortened value of fun. This is a hunting simulation, but it's not fun. It's pretty lame. Not the Cabela's that I remember, I tell you what. You might not want to rent or buy this game.
Easy quiz:
A) What did Mario do to Misty and Ash in episode 708 of Pokemon and how many times did he do it?
B) Define "deer in Pennsylvania".
3) Have you ever gotten mad at the dog from Duck Hunt when he laughed at you for failing to shoot an 8bit duck with a light gun?
F) How many lightbulbs does it take to screw in a bear?
X) If Kirby is dead, and Mario inherits Dream Land, why doesn't Psyduck just take an aspirin and call the police on Geno? For that matter, where is Megaman and why hasn't he defeated Princess Peach in 1v1?
Saturday, July 22, 2017
Animal Quest (MS-DOS)
Animal Quest (1991) is a turn-based roguelike animal adventure game for MS-DOS. In this game, you parade around as an animal of your choice. The object of the game is to eat food and get back to your primitive lair in the wood. There are 3 difficulty levels and the game can range from easy as pie to impossible. In this video, I believe I am playing an early shareware version of the game (which is the same version I grew up with). It's a nice time waster and can be fun if you choose moderate difficulty. Unfortunately, you cannot purchase this game anymore. You can, however, download an early build or play it online for free. I'll help you out with that by providing links. Enjoy the video and happy hunting!
Play Animal Quest v4.0 Shareware Online:
Download Animal Quest versions here:
Note: If you download the game, read the description first for some helpful hints I was never aware of.
Longtimenosee Survey:
A) Sup?
B) The environmentalists want to save the animals. Name 3 things animals can do that humans can't.
C) How many animals does it take to build the sun?
D) Name your favorite animal. Divide that animal by 2. Now I'm calling the police.
E) Serious time: Tell me your favorite DOS game memory!
Friday, July 21, 2017
Dinosaur GBC (Part 2)
(Part 2) Just VGA Chron Guy trying to play a crazy game about dinosaurs. If this is a dinosaur game, why are half the characters monkeys? Wtf, Disney. Use some logic. Monkeys aren't dinosaurs, thier're homo sapiens.
1) Favorite... beer?
2) Favorite way to eat chicken.
3) Favorite Power Ranger.
4) Favorite VGA Chronicles episode? :D
Dinosaur GBC (Part 1)
Disney's Dinosaur (2000) for Game Boy Color is a game based on a movie by Disney. I never saw the movie. This game is an action puzzle adventure. It is unforgiving in difficulty, even though some 10 year old kid can probably beat it in an hour. Well, some 10 year old from 2000. Kids these days don't understand retro. They can't comprehend it.
Post-video test:
A) Why do trees exist?
B) Spell "VGA Chronicles" in greek.
C) Define "dinosaur".
D) What's the square root of a penis? Take your time and show your work.
E) If Mario goes back in time to save Luigi from a t-rex, who was the main character of Doki Doki Panic in 1843?
Wednesday, July 19, 2017
That other Bionicle game (Part 2)
Part 2: Bionicle Lego models look cool, but the lore is incredibly forced. No one understands what is going on in this series. I just bought these Legos because I couldn't afford Gundam model imports as a teenager.
A simple survey:
A) Who honestly played this game and enjoyed it?
B) What's your favorite Nintendo 63 game?
3) Luigi + Hydrogen + Radium = ?
D) Name a game worse than this one.
That other Bionicle game (Part 1)
Bionicle (2003) is a game based on Legos. It's about these robot-like things made out of Legos and they live on an island, but there are some bad ones and they get mad and fight the good ones. So some of the good ones are stronger so they fight the bad ones. You play as a good one.
Description quiz:
1) Define "bionicle" in simple terms.
3) Why doesn't this game make sense?
4) Why did Shigeru Miyamuto take the Super Mushrom out of SMB1?
5) This game sucks. (True / False)
Monday, July 17, 2017
Dogz GBA, Part 3
(Part 3) Welcome back to VGA Chronicles. Still playing Dogz for the GBA. Let's see how far I can go before I get tired of it. That's the goal, typically.
Descriptional test:
1) Define "define."
2) How mny dogs does it take to cheer up a clinically depressed person?
3) Why don't dogs use toilets more often?
5) Do dogs get a free pass on rudeness? If so, why and can you explain it without using math?
8) Solve the equation and show your work: Dog(z) x 6 = Video / Game^3.
Sunday, July 16, 2017
Dogz GBA, Part 2
(Part 2) It's taken me longer than intended to choose a proper dog. I am, however, confident I will choose an excellent breed for the experience this game has to offer.
A) In particular, how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tomato?
C) Cna yuo ingroe tpyos?
D) What's the square root of a grape nut?
E) How many fingers am I not holding up over there?
Dogz GBA, Part 1
Dogz for the GBA is supposedly part of a long-running game series called Petz. In this game, you play as a chile trying to adopt the right pet. The rest of the game is you interacting with your pet, family, and community in an RPG-esque way. How involved is this game? Down to the last detail.
Motivational survey:
1) Define "dog" and explain the etymology.
2) How many dogs does it take to screw in a light bulb?
3) Name the Top 5 Most Influential Blues Musicians that sponsored Cabela's.
4) What is your favorite Thanksgiving food item?
Saturday, July 8, 2017
Need for Speed Carbon - Own The City (Part 2)
(Part 2) This game is frustrating as hell.
Description quiz:
A) Name 1 character from Super Mario. I bet you can't. :)
B) Define "yoshi".
C) What do Shy Guys eat for breakfast?
Need for Speed Carbon - Own The City (Part 1)
Need For Speed Carbon Own The City is a game with a long title. You race in it, I think. Let's figure out what this game really is and why it exists.
Official survey:
1) What's your favorite racing game?
2) How many Tetris blocks does it take to crush and destroy Gex?
3) Define "cringe humor".
4) Will you/have you see(n) the Tetris movie(s)?
Thursday, July 6, 2017
VGA 'N Friends: Chess4All - bigwizard vs Forlifemyass
Finally, after a long and painful setup over the course of two days, the chess match begins. Who will win? VGA Chronicles Guy (bigwizard) or VGA Chronicle Guy's Friend (Forlifemyass)? Who knows? Press the like button and subscribe to find out.
Video survey:
1) Who won for real?
2) Do you think cheating in games is an acceptable course of action?
3) Why do Slugma hang out with ducks?
4) How many rare candies does it take to send a Snorlax to the moon?
6) If you were Super Mario, would you jump on a goomba, kick a Koopa shell, or kiss a peach?
Wednesday, July 5, 2017
Pokemon GO: Top 5 Pokemon To Use
There are many interesting Pokemon in the Pokeverse. But what about Pokemon GO specifically? Well, according to VGACHQ research, here's 5 Pokemon that are superior to others.
Top 5 Pokemon to Use in Pokemon GO
VGA Chronicles Guy

The most sought after Pokemon in the game. Known for being bold, powerful, and not being a real dragon, Charizards are commonly found near water hoses, big trees, small trees, medium trees, and anywhere that has sand or small pebbles embedded into the earth. Favorite food: Potato salad.
#4. Mew
#3. Caterpie
Commonly referred to as the strongest Pokemon. Caterpie, unevolved, makes a great team player with a plethora of deadly moves that enhance it from previous Pokemon games. This Pokemon can be found by staring into the bathroom mirror and chanting Caterpie's name (which is Caterpie) three times. If done correctly, a Caterpie will appear! Favorite board game: Monopoly.
#2. Slugma
The Pokemon with the best type combination. Unbeatable against Water types and usually has the type advantage against Ground types. Slugma is usually found near a local pond, fishing area, under your bed, or near a duck. Slugmas prefer the company of ducks. Favorite day of the week: Thursday.
#1. Snorlax
The Pokemon with the highest base agility. This Pokemon is highly sought after for it's practicality. There are only two known ways to capture a Snorlax. One way is by visiting a Walmart, and the other way is to catch one while sleeping. Having options is such a great luxury. Favorite video game franchise: Pokemon!
Have a great day! 😊
Description quiz:
A) Are Pokemon real? Why?
B) What's your favorite Pokemon breeding combination?
C) Name 4 Pokemon types that aren't in the games.
D) Explain the mating ritual of a Sandrew.
Monday, July 3, 2017
Cabela's Big Game Hunter GBA (Part 2)
Here in Part 2, we learn that nature has little to fear from mankind in this game.
Ultra quiz 2002:
1) If you went hunting, what would you hunt?
2) What restaurant chain has the best bear steak?
3) Are fish sticks still alive when you cook them?
4) How many bowls of melted peanut butter does it take to milk a politically correct lizard during the dark ages?
2000) Why does Activision exist? :(
Cabela's Big Game Hunter GBA (Part 1)
Cabela's Big Game Hunter is a hunting game series. Today, we are going to try out the Gameboy Advance port of the game. If you've ever played a GBA, you already know what to expect.
The Survey quiz:
A) What's a cabela?
B) Define "moose"
C) How many apples are in a single atom?
D) What's your favorite genre of bear?
E) Should this game be outlawed for human cruelty?
Saturday, July 1, 2017
Lego Bionicle GBA (Part 3)
Lego Bionicle for the Gameboy Advance is kind of an action RPG. You are a little lego thing that goes on quests. It's kind of like Zelda. Enjoy.
Super Test:
1) What is (% + @) ?
2) Name 5 types of Zeldas.
3) Which Pokemon was sent to the Shadow Realm in Pokemon Red?
4) Name 5 Ancient Egyptians that contributed to building the Great Wall of China.
Lego Bionicle GBA (Part 2)
Lego Bionicle for the Gameboy Advance is kind of an action RPG. You are a little lego thing that goes on quests. It's kind of like Zelda. Enjoy.
Personality survey:
1) Name 1 character from the Mario franchise without looking it up.
1b) Name 1 character from The Odyssey.
2) In a sentence with less than 20 words, but more than 300, explain what life is in the language of an Egyptian bumble bee.
7) Why do Pokemon 'faint'?
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