Thursday, December 6, 2018
Skeletonbike Part 2 (NES) SVGA Chron
(Part 2) Skeletonbike, based off of Excitebike (1985). What can really be said here, other than "spooky"? It's Excitebike, but everyone is a skeleton. :D
Spoopy Quiz 3:
9) What's your favorite Halloween Food?
0) What's your favorite Thanksgiving Candy?
2) Pronounce "aluminium".
1) How many fingers am I holding up? Prove it. Show your work. Carry the 1.
0) They did surgery on a grape.
Thanks for watching Super VGA Chronicles stream clips.
Monday, December 3, 2018
Skeletonbike Part 1 (NES) SVGA Chron
Skeletonbike is a ROM hack based on Excitebike (1985) for the NES. The way the game looks in this video is not the intended result by the hacker who made it.
Skeleton Time:
1) What is a skeleton, and how much does it way?
Be) vewy vewy quiet. I'm hunting __________.
3) Is it Halloween everyday if you're a goth?
100) For 5 extra points, name 10 Mario power-ups featured in FIFA.
6) Which character would you DIE to see wear the Super Crown?
Thanks for watching Super VGA Chronicles stream clips.
Thursday, November 29, 2018
Ghoul School (NES) SVGA Chron
Ghoul School (1992) is a poorly aged/poorly birthed game-thing where you're a punk rock kid in a school filled with overpowered creatures and no guidance whatsoever. The game is basically impossible, and for 1992 there is no excuse for why it was even put out for the NES.
Info time:
A) Have you ever been spooked?
H) What was it like?
H) Say "oof" ten times fast.
H) RIP Luigi Mario, 1983 - 2018
H) Divide a ghost by the square root of a skeleton.
!) What kind of Pokemon are you and how do you make an omelette?
Thanks for watching Super VGA Chronicles stream clips.
Saturday, November 10, 2018
All Night Nippon Super Mario Bros. (FDS) SVGA Chron
All Night Nippon Super Mario Bros. (1986) is Mario with a twist. That's right, you guessed it, the entire game is based off of some obscure Japanese TV show. Basically, it's a 1st party hack of the original SMB, but with strange, demented graphics. This game was never released in the US due to how spoopy it was. Oh yeah and it's for the disk system.
Halloween quiz:
1) What's your favorite Christmas food?
01) Binary code is offensive because it's only 0 and 1. What about gay people?
9) Before there were 3 Musketeers, there were 9. So what happened to the other 6?
5) How many light bulbs does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop in the middle of Sonic and Mario's wedding?
1) Define "vidya".
BOMUS) List your top 10 favorite VGAchron vids to receive a special BONUS ROLE on the VGA DISSCORD SERV.
Thanks for watching Super VGA Chronicles stream clips.
Thursday, November 8, 2018
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (NES) SVGA Chron
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1989) was a game created by someone about some book. There was a guy known as The Angry Video Game Nerd who brought attention to the greatness of this game, making the game prosperous in the 1700's. You're some guy that has an anger management problem, and you go around town bullying people into submission, causing you to turn into a rabid fire-breathing cannibal or something. Not sure. Needs more analysis, but I think I'm pretty close.
Angry quiz:
A) How many lizards does it take to fill up a canyon?
N) Name 5 Crayola crayon colors that you wish existed.
G) Do some math and show your work.
R) Why sonic blue? He sad?
Y) Tell me something interesting. Free bonus credit points.
Thanks for watching Super VGA Chronicles stream clips.
Tuesday, November 6, 2018
Dr. Chaos (NES) SVGA Chron
Dr. Chaos (1988) is a thing on the NES where you walk around in a weird house and do stuff, with some obstacles in the way and some rooms that lead to other rooms. Eventually, you get out of the house or something, I don't know. I was very confused and disoriented when I played this RPG.
Thing time:
1) What kind of things do you do when you wanna do things?
G) What is this game about?
6) Give me 5 good reasons why Sonic is better than Pac-Man.
2) Which Pokemon guest-starred on Survivor in 1993?
97) Divide Weepinbell by Shadow the Hedgehog. Carry the 1. Add 7, then divide by 16.
Thanks for watching Super VGA Chronicles stream clips.
Sunday, November 4, 2018
Castlevania (NES) SVGA Chron
Castlevania (1987) is a game about hitting stuff with a whip and dying a lot. Sometimes you don't die, but it's unlikely that you'll get past level 1.
Castle quiz:
A) What is a castlevania and how much does it weigh?
B) Spell "Dracula".
C) Did you know there are over 5 languages in this world?
D) Why does Simon Belmont use a whip instead of a machine gun? Doesn't make any sense, given the time period.
E) Why did Shiguru Miyatomato base Spyro off of ZZT? Show your work.
Thanks for watching Super VGA Chronicles stream clips.
Sunday, October 28, 2018
Extra Innings (SNES)
Extra Innings (1991) is a primitive SNES baseball game that offers great music and fun gameplay. Don't let the anime-like nature of this game throw you off - this one is perfect for parties.
Baseball Quiz:
1) What's a "baseball" and how much does it weigh?
204) How come Baseball and Football are separate sports? Isn't that segregation and discrimination? It's 2018, people.
31) How many touchdowns does it take for the baseball goalie to divide a tennis puck by the power of 72 oofs?
D) Why doesn't the batter just catch the ball and run? Hitting the ball just makes it easier for the other team to find it.
J) How many Baseball bats could you make out of what's left of the tropical rain forests and why do we even still have rain forests in 2018? 🤔
Thanks for watching VGA Chronicles.
Friday, October 19, 2018
Bomberman (NES)
Bomberman (1989) is an action maze game for the Nintendo Entertainment System. In this game, you're a robot who blows up creatures with bombs. A pretty simple concept, however, I was not able to get the hang of it. Nevertheless, the game was a fun experience for me and I recommend it. In particular, this game would be super fun at parties. The sequels are are also highly praised and are worth playing with friends.
Some Weird Survey:
1) How did the use of bombs in this game get past the ESRB rating system?
2) Why wasn't Link the main character (Note: This decision could have saved pixels)?
78) What's the name and gender of Mario and Sonic's illegitimate child?
92) What would you do for a Klondike bar?
93) What would you not do for a Klondike bar?
94) What would Super Mario do for a Klondyke bar and a shroom?
96) Why does Sonic lose his rings when he's hit by an enemy? Note: This never happens to Mario.
97) What's the difference between a math problem and a meth problem?
98) Which habitat is Waldo found in Cabela's Big Game Hunter 2007?
99) Why bombs? Why not My Little Pony plush dolls?
Thank you for your time. Oh yeah, and thanks for watching VGA Chronicles.
Wednesday, September 26, 2018
The Epic Challenge of Arkanoid on the NES
Arkanoid (1987) is a classic game based on a game usually referred to as "Breakout". In the game, you are a spaceship in some strange universe where you must deflect a ball of energy off of your ship and into giant bricks, which disappear once you hit them enough times. It's not really supposed to make any sense. The game itself is mildly addictive and also very difficult. It takes much practice and skill to achieve high points and level up. The controls are also very unique, as a special analog controller, known as a Vaus controller, is required to play it. And once you get a feel for the game, it's very apparent why. Overall, this game is fun. It has a two-player option and I highly recommend this game for group events. If you're interested in buying this game, having the Vaus controller is a must.
Ball Quiz:
1) What's better: More balls, or less balls?
2) On a scale of 1 to balls, how many balls is this game?
3) Legend has it that Super Mario was intended to be the original pilot of the Vaus, but was fired from the project in favor of Bomberman. However, Bomberman declined the job offer. So the question is, who was the actual final captain of the Vaus ship and how did Shigeru Miyamoto allow this disaster to unfold?
BONUS) How many balls does it take to screw in a ball bulb?
Thanks for watching Vaus Chronicles. Paddle your balls.
Friday, March 23, 2018
Gex 3: Deep Pocket Gecko (GBC)
Gex 3: Deep Pocket Gecko (1999) is an improvement over the last Game Boy Gex game, but not too much. Looking for a bad time? Good, cause that's all you'll get from Gex.
geck quizz:
1) What's a weigh, and how much does it gecko?
2) Sell me car insurance.
3) jk, frig off, bro.
4) (Rare event! Insert question here, via comments, and win a fake prize!)
5) Are Gex games bad, or am I just VGA Chron Guy?
Thanks for watching VGA Chronicles.
Tuesday, March 13, 2018
SkiFree (Windows)
SkiFree (1991) for Windows. Guess what? The game is still free and you can still ski.
Download the game here:
Skiing Quiz:
1) Why doesn't Mario use skis in Super Mario Bros 5?
2) What kind of STDs did Yoshi acquire after his abusive relationship with Mega Man?
3) Name 1 good game that features Sumerian jazz-fusion lyrics.
4) Divide Kirby by Samus Aran, then proceed to multiply by Metal Gear Solid. Make sure you carry the 1.
5) Will you play SkiFree now? 🎿
Thanks for watching VGA Chronicles.
Friday, March 9, 2018
VGA reviews a review of a review of an apple.
Apple Quizzlette:
Ap) apple?
pple) apples, apples?
A) What is "apple"?
p) To apple or not to apple. THAT is the apple.
PLE) Plz give apple.
Thanks for watching VGA Chronicles, I guess.
Friday, March 2, 2018
Blockout (MS-DOS)
Blockout (1989) is a puzzle game for MS-DOS. In short, this game is Tetris in 3D, from a bird's eye view. The controls are strange and overall the game isn't very fun. I'm not sure how this game could be made better, as the concept itself is entirely too ridiculous. On top of that, the game has no music! What a ripoff. Still, props to the people who had the guts to make such a hard Tetris variant.
Description quiz:
A) Tetris vs Columns: Which is better?
B) There's a rumor going around that Tetris has been ripped off too many times.
C) How many more videos until VGA Chronicles Guy runs out of survey question ideas?
E) You're in an alley. You have 5 Yoshi eggs. 3 hatch, but 4 remain. Suddenly, Super Mario appears out of nowhere and throws 10 fire balls at you. If 17 Luigis block the fireballs, while 2 Pikachus and 60 Samus Arans take control of the situation, how many Bowsers are in the alley by 3 p.m.?
Thanks for watching VGA Chronicles. You are cool.
Friday, February 23, 2018
Minerva (MS-DOS)
Minerva (1993) is a game about sweeping mines and stuff. It has several options. I know most of you reading this are too young to remember Windows 95, but it existed, and so did Minesweeper.
Mine Quiz:
1) How come it's called "Minesweeper"? Who the hell sweeps mines?
2) Shouldn't it just be called "Mine-blower-upper"?
3) There's no way to win this game. Change My Mind.
4) Download this game and you win a free trophy. 🏆
5) Spell "ICUP" out loud.
Thanks for watching VGA Chronicles.
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Tetris 2 (NES)
Tetris 2 (1993) is Tetris like never before. In this version of the game, your aim is to clear colors, rather than lines. Upon first playing it, I didn't even have a clue on what I was doing wrong. Enjoy.
Passive-Aggressive Tetris Exam:
1) What's a Tetris and how much does it weigh?
A) How many hashtags does it take to screw up another BS VGAchron question you won't read or answer?
7) Still reading this, huh?
83) Okay, fine. You're the one guy who reads the descriptions.
#) Happy now?
Thanks for watching VGA Chronicles.
Friday, February 2, 2018
Simple Spider Solitaire (Windows Store)
Simple Spider Solitaire (2015) is a Windows Store game about spiders and solitaire, probably. It's also simple (hence it not being "complicated solitaire"). Looking for a simple game that you can play on your own, and also download from the Windows Store? Then you've stumbled into the right video.
Download it here:
Simple Quiz:
1) 1 + 1 = ?
2) A, B, _, D, E, _
3) It's raining dogs and _________.
4) question 4.
5) Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?
Thanks for watching VGA Chronicles.
Tuesday, January 23, 2018
Dr. Tetris in Turrican Stunt World (9-22-17) SVGA Chron
Games featured: Tetris Attack, Super Mario World, The Terminator, Super Turrican, Stunt Race FX, and Tetris & Dr. Mario. Footage was taken from VGA's group stream on 9/22/17. Accompanying VGA are co-hosts Pumpkin and Moff, joined by their guests Tom and CGH.
Thanks for watching VGA Chronicles.
Friday, January 19, 2018
The Future of VGA Chronicles: YouTube Concerns
There has been some news of YouTube changing some of its privileges for smaller channels, namely the ability to monetize and upload custom thumbnails. Unless a channel has 1000 or more subs, and 4000 hours of watch time in a year, these privileges will be revoked from a channel, effective by next month.
So what does all of this mean for VGA Chronicles? Well, nothing and everything. I don't monetize my videos and I never intended to. I do this as a side project and an opportunity to hone several skills, such as my comedy, video editing, and social skills. The ability to rake in ad revenue was never something I intended to take advantage of, as I myself hate ads and would rather them not be on my own videos. However, I enjoy making my own custom thumbnails. It's art to me and also a way to brand the video. Losing this is enough to spark some changes.
As of now, I have somewhere around 150 finished videos that have never been uploaded to my channel. The bulk of them are stream-related (full streams as well as segments of streams) whereas a fair fraction of them are original, unreleased, classic-style VGA Chronicles videos. Why are these videos not released? Like I said, VGA Chronicles is a side project for me. I can't be bothered with it 24/7, as it doesn't pay the bills and it is largely just an experiment. I love it, though, and I intend to do it forever, if possible. But even if I released a video a day, I wouldn't gain anything from it but exhaustion from putting time into a hobby that is supposed to be fun. Because of this, I decided to reserve my content rather than put it all out instantly. That way, I would be able to build a surplus of content to upload when I was running short.
Now, the issue with all of that is I never foresaw myself switching over to mainly recording live streams. The streams produce more than enough content for my channel. I know they aren't of the classical nature of my older videos, but lately I'm finding less motivation to do classic VGA videos and more excitement to do the streams, probably due to the added social factor. With that being said, I think it might be time to mass-upload all of these classic VGA videos while I still have the custom thumbnail option. Because at the end of the day, none of this holding back matters. I'm not gaining or losing followers from uploading too much or uploading too little. And even if I did, I'm not going to see any money from it, as I have under 100 subs on YouTube and I'm still not interested in enabling ads. If I ever open VGA into the concept of money, it'll be through dedicated fans who are willing to donate to the project. And even then, I don't feel like the project is at that stage yet.
But what is all of this building up to? Well, a few things. For one, YouTube will no longer be my primary platform for video uploads, as I'll be switching to Twitch. But if you're worried about me leaving YouTube, don't. I'll still be on and upload to YouTube. I just won't care about the platform as much, as it is changing into something I don't like and want to get away from. Also, just as I like to support indie games on Twitter, I will be supporting the smaller channels instead of the big ones.
Another change this brings about are the streams themselves. I already stream to Twitch to begin with, but until my saltiness about YouTube wears off, the Super VGA Chronicles Show will temporarily be dubbed "YouTube Is Trash" and include a special segment where my co-hosts and I all trash YouTube. Actually, it may not even be a segment. We may just casually mention it throughout the stream as a meme.
Lastly, going back to the unpublished classic videos, another reason that I would rather publish all of these right now is that the thumbnails on those videos have been created already, whereas I am still working on the streams. The classic videos are works of improv in the early days of this project. If the streams can't have thumbnails, fine. I won't like it. I won't agree with it ever. But at least I can get the classics up and branded. And, if YouTube takes all of my thumbnails away that are already in place, well, the "YouTube Is Trash" series will never end.
Thank you for taking the time to read the future of VGA Chronicles. Whoever you are, I hope to play more games and make you laugh in the near future.
So what does all of this mean for VGA Chronicles? Well, nothing and everything. I don't monetize my videos and I never intended to. I do this as a side project and an opportunity to hone several skills, such as my comedy, video editing, and social skills. The ability to rake in ad revenue was never something I intended to take advantage of, as I myself hate ads and would rather them not be on my own videos. However, I enjoy making my own custom thumbnails. It's art to me and also a way to brand the video. Losing this is enough to spark some changes.
As of now, I have somewhere around 150 finished videos that have never been uploaded to my channel. The bulk of them are stream-related (full streams as well as segments of streams) whereas a fair fraction of them are original, unreleased, classic-style VGA Chronicles videos. Why are these videos not released? Like I said, VGA Chronicles is a side project for me. I can't be bothered with it 24/7, as it doesn't pay the bills and it is largely just an experiment. I love it, though, and I intend to do it forever, if possible. But even if I released a video a day, I wouldn't gain anything from it but exhaustion from putting time into a hobby that is supposed to be fun. Because of this, I decided to reserve my content rather than put it all out instantly. That way, I would be able to build a surplus of content to upload when I was running short.
Now, the issue with all of that is I never foresaw myself switching over to mainly recording live streams. The streams produce more than enough content for my channel. I know they aren't of the classical nature of my older videos, but lately I'm finding less motivation to do classic VGA videos and more excitement to do the streams, probably due to the added social factor. With that being said, I think it might be time to mass-upload all of these classic VGA videos while I still have the custom thumbnail option. Because at the end of the day, none of this holding back matters. I'm not gaining or losing followers from uploading too much or uploading too little. And even if I did, I'm not going to see any money from it, as I have under 100 subs on YouTube and I'm still not interested in enabling ads. If I ever open VGA into the concept of money, it'll be through dedicated fans who are willing to donate to the project. And even then, I don't feel like the project is at that stage yet.
But what is all of this building up to? Well, a few things. For one, YouTube will no longer be my primary platform for video uploads, as I'll be switching to Twitch. But if you're worried about me leaving YouTube, don't. I'll still be on and upload to YouTube. I just won't care about the platform as much, as it is changing into something I don't like and want to get away from. Also, just as I like to support indie games on Twitter, I will be supporting the smaller channels instead of the big ones.
Another change this brings about are the streams themselves. I already stream to Twitch to begin with, but until my saltiness about YouTube wears off, the Super VGA Chronicles Show will temporarily be dubbed "YouTube Is Trash" and include a special segment where my co-hosts and I all trash YouTube. Actually, it may not even be a segment. We may just casually mention it throughout the stream as a meme.
Lastly, going back to the unpublished classic videos, another reason that I would rather publish all of these right now is that the thumbnails on those videos have been created already, whereas I am still working on the streams. The classic videos are works of improv in the early days of this project. If the streams can't have thumbnails, fine. I won't like it. I won't agree with it ever. But at least I can get the classics up and branded. And, if YouTube takes all of my thumbnails away that are already in place, well, the "YouTube Is Trash" series will never end.
Thank you for taking the time to read the future of VGA Chronicles. Whoever you are, I hope to play more games and make you laugh in the near future.
Tuesday, January 2, 2018
Top 10 Ripoffs of Mario
Let's face it. No one can resist ripping off Mario. So here's 10 characters that did exactly that.
Top 10 Ripoffs of Mario
VGA Chronicles Guy
#10. Luigi
Luigi is a total biological ripoff of Mario. Not only did he ripoff Mario's DNA by being his brother, but he also sports the same style of outfit, the same facial hair, and even the same profession as his vertically challenged twin. To rub salt in the wound of Mario, Luigi is constantly trying to one-up his heroic brother by: leading a series of side games, jumping higher than Mario, and even dating one of the princesses that Mario previously saved. No matter what Mario does, Luigi is always there. Following him, and taking half the credit for every quest he ventures on.
#9. Wario
Wario is a complete ripoff of Mario, only with an evil twist. Around Wario's inception, the developers at Nintendo were incredibly lazy and unimaginative. Instead of creating a new and interesting character for an original game concept, they decided to play word games with Mario's name. That's right, all they did was turn the M upside down. And there you have it, a new character: Wario.
Wario is much fatter than Mario, making him stronger and more intimidating. He also dawns a yellow outfit, which makes his character easier to see in-game. Wario is also known for collecting coins (just like Mario is) and brazenly stole the Super Mario Land series from Mario. But why? Why did this happen? What possessed Nintendo executives to make an "evil" Mario? And why were they so lazy? Unfortunately, the world may never truly know the answers to these questions.
#8. Waluigi
The character known as Waluigi is considered a quadruple rip off, since he is a ripoff of both Wario and Luigi, who both themselves are ripoffs of Mario. It seems that Waluigi merely exists to be a counterpart to both Luigi and Wario. He is Wario's partner in crime (just like Luigi is to Mario), but also serves as a reimagined "evil" Luigi (as if Luigi weren't evil enough on his own). And, just like with Wario, Nintendo lazily used childish word games to name this character. Instead of giving Waluigi an original and interesting name, they just took the name "Luigi" and turned the L upside down, creating the name "Waluigi."
Waluigi appears in many Mario side games, making various attempts to steal Mario's impressive thunder. Legend has it that Nintendo originally favored Waluigi over Mario and made past attempts to rebrand the Mario franchise under Waluigi.
#7. Yoshi
Since the release of games such as Super Mario World and Yoshi's Cookie, Mario has been robbed of his kawaiiness. It's hard to remember the times before Yoshi's existence, since he has infected nearly every subsequent Mario game with his presence like a powerful disease. Nintendo even had the nerve to give Yoshi various games of his own. Without a doubt, Yoshi's biggest slap in the face to Mario is Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island. In this game, not only is Yoshi the protagonist, but he's also Mario's caretaker. This is degrading to Mario, as not only is he being ripped off, but he's also being ripped on! It's like... he thinks he owns the series now, you know?
#6. Toad
Since day one of the Mario series, Toad has been ripping off Mario. How? I'll tell you. Remember playing Super Mario Bros. for the first time and getting to the end of a castle? And after you beat the fake Bowser, there's a Toad at the end of the level? And he always says "you're in the wrong castle." Most fans don't know this, but Toad was never kidnapped. He just outran Mario to the castle, but lets Mario do all the dirty work to save the Mushroom Kingdom. After all, what would Bowser want with an ugly, pathetic Toad?
Toad is the typical loser in the Mario universe. He's short, fearful, and generally sucks at life. But these factors have never kept him from trying to dethrone Mario. He appears in nearly every Mario game in existence and even has served as a protagonist, albeit an unpopular one.
#5. Princess Peach
With the exception of being female, Princess Peach is also a ripoff of Mario. It all began with Super Mario Bros. 2. Since Donkey Kong, Peach's actress felt she had been typecasted as the damsel in distress, and wanted to try a more active role in the franchise. However, after having a taste of being a protagonist in Super Mario Bros. 2, she has since been constantly battling Nintendo for lead roles and demanding more money for her minor appearances. She appears in almost every Mario game there is, and also has a game of her own called Super Princess Peach, in which she goes on a platforming adventure, just like Mario! Her dress is also the color pink, which is a shade of red, the same color of Mario's traditional outfit.
#4. Megaman
Without the success of Mario, Megaman simply wouldn't exist. As a result, it shouldn't surprise anyone that Megaman is on this list.
Megaman is a ripoff of both Mario and Fire Mario, making him a double ripoff, but a bold one. Just like Mario, Megaman goes on platforming adventures for a heroic cause. And, just like Fire Mario, Megaman can shoot energy projectiles from his arm. Of course, if the two ever met face to face, Fire Mario would win in a heartbeat. Without his cast iron suit, Megaman is powerless. Meanwhile, all Mario has to do is eat a flower and he has just as much power, if not more, than Megaman's full strength. You can ripoff Mario all you want, Megaman. But you'll never defeat him.
#3. Link
As a major Nintendo character, Link is also a major ripoff of Mario. But the ripping off doesn't stop there. His green outfit makes him a ripoff of Luigi and Yoshi as well, making Link a triple ripoff of Mario. To understand why Link ripping off Mario is unsurprising, one must know the tale of the olden days, when Link and Mario were student and sensei.
Back in the 1980s, Mario had been training various heroes on Mario Island, including Link. Mario had been teaching the young apprentice everything he knew about magic, heroic deeds, and being a lead character in a video game. Over the course of the training, they developed quite a bond and became close friends.
Finally, one night, Mario summoned Link to his shrine for a final task. Link arrived, and Mario bestowed upon him a powerful sword, asking Link to use the sword to assassinate Luigi. Only through spilling the blood of Luigi could Link become Mario's new sidekick. Initially, Link seemed enthusiastic of the task, telling Mario that he would not let him down, and left the shrine with sword in hand.
The very next day, however, Link had abandoned Mario Island. He never killed Luigi either, and instead had begun working with privately with Shigeru Miyamoto to develop The Legend of Zelda for the Famicom. Mario soon learned of this, and felt both betrayed and devastated. From that point on, Link proceeded to ripoff Mario on a daily basis, and also nearly took over Nintendo five times.
#2. Donkey Kong
After the inevitable fall in popularity of classic arcade games, Donkey Kong took the low road and ripped off Mario.
- Having original involvement with Mario? Ripoff.
- Being in a platformer just like Mario? Ripoff.
- Having a sidekick like Mario has Luigi? Ripoff.
- The sidekick being a ripoff of Donkey Kong himself? Ripoff.
- Saving bananas just as Mario saves the princess? Ripoff.
Donkey Kong is a rare quintuple ripoff of Mario. In contradiction with his past rivalry with Mario, he's attempted to recreate and rebrand everything that Mario has ever done, down to the very last drop.
and finally...
#1. Super Mario
The biggest ripoff of Mario of all time. Super Mario is just Mario, but bigger. He does everything that small Mario does, participates in all the games, and even inhabits Mario's body. It's like Nintendo didn't think that small Mario was good enough. It's like Nintendo just took Mario and ripped him off, more than anyone else has ever ripped off anything ever before in the history of ripping things off. It's unbelievable. It's pathetic. The biggest ripoff was right under Mario's nose this whole time, and he didn't even knows it. After all, who can rip off Mario better than Mario himself? 🍄
Mario got ripped off. :'(
Post Ripping-Off Survey:
1) Who was your favorite rip off?
Bee) How many more ripoffs of Mario do you foresee in the foreseeable future?
C) Divide 8 by 93. Carry the acorn. Add 63 to your answer and hand Mario a kleenex.
50) Is it called Meincraft or Mindcraft?
4) You know a part 2 is coming. You can feel it in your bones.
Thanks for watching VGA Chronicles.
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