Saturday, November 10, 2018

All Night Nippon Super Mario Bros. (FDS) SVGA Chron

All Night Nippon Super Mario Bros. (1986) is Mario with a twist. That's right, you guessed it, the entire game is based off of some obscure Japanese TV show. Basically, it's a 1st party hack of the original SMB, but with strange, demented graphics. This game was never released in the US due to how spoopy it was. Oh yeah and it's for the disk system.

Halloween quiz:
1) What's your favorite Christmas food?
01) Binary code is offensive because it's only 0 and 1. What about gay people?
9) Before there were 3 Musketeers, there were 9. So what happened to the other 6?
5) How many light bulbs does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop in the middle of Sonic and Mario's wedding?
1) Define "vidya".
BOMUS) List your top 10 favorite VGAchron vids to receive a special BONUS ROLE on the VGA DISSCORD SERV.

Thanks for watching Super VGA Chronicles stream clips.

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